Requirements For: B.S. Major – 42-45 hours, 2.0 gpa
The Interdisciplinary Studies major allows the student to develop a major by combining two different disciplines. For the purpose of declaring a program of study, different disciplines are defined as the combination of offerings from two different major schools or departments. This affords students the flexibility to design their own degree while making an efficient use of courses they have accumulated. It requires the combination of two minor degrees of study: one that is listed in the catalog and another one either listed in the catalog or a Personal Body of Knowledge constructed by the student out of a set of courses. Core Requirement:
- Minor One - one minor as described in the University catalog Credits: 18-21
- Minor Two - one minor as described in the University catalog Credits: 18
or - A personal minor field of study constructed by the student and approved by both the Program Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies AND Chair of the Department or Associate Dean of the School/College most closely associated with the content of that field. Students wanting to complete a personal field of study as part of their Interdisciplinary Studies degree should send a list of the courses they have completed/will complete towards the personal field of study and supply a justification for it to the Program Coordinator, who will evaluate the personal field of study and forward it to the Chair/Associate Dean whose Department/School most closely matches the field of study. The Program Coordinator and Chair/Associate Dean will either (1) approve, (2)disapprove, or (3) require additional courses.
Credits: 18 - LE 310 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies Credits: 3
- LE 400 - Senior Project in Interdisciplinary Studies Credits: 3
or - LE 410 - Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Credits: 3
Program Competencies:
The student with integrative and interdisciplinary thinking will possess the ability to make connections across courses and connect coursework to his/her academic, professional, and civic lives. The student will be able to consider problems from several different perspectives and develop and test his/her holistic understanding of an issue, evaluate how various disciplines would conceive of solutions, and relate his/her learning to issues outside of academia. - Demonstrate an understanding of disciplinary content in its own context and in relationship to the issues, questions, and positions of at least one other discipline.
- Compare and contrast points of view and scholarly materials coming from different disciplines, in formulating a new thesis or position.
- Synthesize diverse perspectives derived from coursework and other professional experience to achieve an interdisciplinary understanding of an issue or problem.
- Explain and evaluate methodological approaches and theoretical foundations of at least two disciplines, as they pertain to dealing with real-world problems or issues.
- Use professional experiences and academic coursework to attain professional employment.
Liberal Education Requirements 40 CR.
Math Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: MA 120 , MA 135 , or higher math course excluding MA 208 Science with a lab Requirement 4 cr.
Select one of the following: BI 101 , BI 111 , BI 211 , BI 212 , BI 223 , BIO 221 , BIO 225 , BIO 325 , BIO 327 , BIO 330 , BIO 337L and BIO 337 , BIO 350 , BIO 378 , BIO 400 , BIO 410 , BIO 411 , BIO 417 , CH 101 , CH 105 CH 107L and CH 107 , CH 108L and CH 108 , CH 317L and CH 317 , CH 318L and CH 318 , CH 328 , CH 329 , CH 337L and CH 337 , CH 405 , CH 440 , GGP 115 , GGP 205 , GO 130 , GO 141 , GO 151 , GO 200 , GO 310 , GO 320 , GO 330 , PY 155 , PY 156 , PY 205 , or PY 206 Ethics Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: AC 435 , CA 302 , CS 300 , EDU 310 , MG 495 , NS 306 , PA 380 , PH 102 , PH 221 , PH 224 , PH 308 , PS 220 , SO 220 or SW 492 Humanities Requirement 6 cr.
Select one of the following Art or English: AR 115 , AR 215 , AR 216 , EN 201 , EN 221 , EN 232 , EN 234 And one of the following: AR 115 , AR 215 , AR 216 , EN 201 , EN 221 , EN 232 , EN 234 , CA 104 , CA 116 , CA 235 , FR 201 , ML 235 ,ML 251 , PH 101 , PC 202 ,PH 205 , RE 109 , SP 110 , SP 201 , SP 202 , TH 100 , TH 101 , TH 201 , TH 216 Natural Science Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: BI 214 , CH 101 , CH 102 , CH 105 , CH 107 and CH 107L , CH 108 and CH 108L , GGP 115 , GGP 120 , GGP 205 , GO 125 , GO 130 , GO 141 , GO 151 , GO 200 , NS 220 , NS 241 , PY 101 , PY 155 , PY 156 , PY 205 , or PY 206 *Computer Science and PE courses excluded. Social Science Requirement 6 cr.
Select two of the following: AN 100 , CJ 100 , CJ 200 , EC 141 , EC 142 , EDU 210 , FI 201 , GGH 110 , GGH 200 , HIS 104 , HIS 105 , PO 216 , PS 101 , PS 125 , PS 205 , SO 141 , SO 206 , or SW 205 Seminar: Integrative & Interdisciplinary Learning 3 cr.
Select one of the topics for LE 300* Graduation Requirements
Student Seminar 3 CR.
LE 100 - First-Year Seminar (required for all incoming first-time freshman and highly encouraged for transfer students) Upper Division Hours 36 cr.
36 hours upper division (300 - 400) level course work Writing Across the Curriculum 9 cr.
3 credit hours of Professional Writing (EN 306* or equivalent from the list below) plus 6 credit hours of Writing Intensive coursework are required. EN 306A , EN 306B , EN 306C , EN 307 , EDU 300 , CJ 450 , HIS 452 , HIS 454 , HIS 455 , MG 306 , NS 306 , PA 430 , PO 405 , PS 300 , PS 406 , or SO 300 6 credit hours to fulfill the Writing Intensive requirement must be chosen from among the courses designated in the catalog as “WI” (Writing Intensive ), composed as follows: - 3 of the credit hours must come from a WI course outside the student’s major(s); that is, the course must be offered by a program other than the one(s) that house(s) the student’s major area of study at the time the course is taken.
- 3 of the credit hours must come from a WI course that is offered by the student’s major program; that is, the course must be offered by the same program that houses the student’s major at the time the course is taken.
AR 316 , AR 498 , BIO 498 , CA 218 , CA 318 , CH 342 , CJ 221 , CS 300 , EDU 310 , EN 201 , EN 221 , EN 232 , EN 234 , EN 490 , FW 190 , GGP 350 , HIS 261 , HIS 453 , LE 410 , MA 301 , ML 251 , MG 495 , NUR 460 , PA 432 , PO 210 , PS 315 , SP 320 , SO 141 , SW 325 Additional Requirements
Park University grants the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Public Administration, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and the Bachelor of Music Degree upon completion of the following requirements: - Completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours with a cumulative 2.0 GPA (or higher dependent on major).
- A minor for Geography and Information Systems majors.
- Satisfaction of all requirements for a major.
- Completion of degree specific requirements.
- Completion of Liberal Education requirements.
- Completion of residency requirement, 30 hours of earned and graded (A, B, C, D) college hours at Park University. At least 15 of these 30 hours must be in the major.
- Submission of an Application for Graduation.