2024-2025 University Catalog 
    Feb 03, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog

Admission to the School of Education

Students may apply for entry to the Education Program at any point in their work, but an application is usually completed upon earning 60 credit hours. Entry is open to all qualified students. Undergraduate, transfer, and certification only students who are interested in applying to Elementary, Middle School, Secondary, Art, Mild/Moderate Cross Categorical Disabilities, Spanish Education or Early Childhood Teaching Young Children are responsible for applying for admissions before enrolling in Education classes at or above 350. All applicants must be formally admitted to and currently enrolled at Park University and comply with the admissions requirements. The SOE Faculty approve all admissions to the School of Education.

The application for Admissions to Teacher Education is electronic and is available on the School of Education webpage. The School of Education applicant sends the appropriate forms to the School of Education for processing. The Committee for Selection, Admissions, Retention and Appeals will review the admission application and endorse or deny the admission application.

  Policy on Transfer Courses Numbered Above 350

Given the commitment to the Conceptual Framework, the School of Education (SOE) faculty believe undergraduate students need to master the Frameworks’ goals in the context of its knowledge, skills, and dispositions, which are unique to the SOE’s teacher education curricula and not available at other institutions. Therefore, Park University teacher candidates may transfer a limit of six hours of education classes above the 350 level. In addition, all classes that are field experiences or that coincide with the field experiences must be Park University credits. The School of Education faculty has the responsibility to endorse or deny transfer hours.

  Courses Over Ten Years Old

Education courses taken more than ten years prior to acceptance into the School of Education will not be counted toward certification without prior arrangement with the Education Faculty, which must be done the first semester enrolled at Park University. The student may petition the school to renew and credit a course, but the school has discretion in determining how the course will be updated for renewal. A syllabus and preferably portfolio of work from the course under consideration would permit the school to assess the deficiencies and assign additional work to update the course. Without appropriate supporting documentation (i.e. syllabus, text) the school may require a student to audit the course and do a supporting project. If deficiencies appear to be too great, the school may require the student to retake the course.

  Appeal Process and Procedures on Denial of Admission to School of Education

The CSARA Committee serves as an appeal body for the School of Education in the implementation of the education unit. The Committee will receive and review any candidate grievance that is within the authority of the School of Education and not addressed through other Park University Policies as written in the catalog (i.e., grade appeal, academic honesty, etc.). While not intended to be an exhaustive list, some examples of School of Education authority include review and decision of candidate admittance to the SOE, policies related to assessment of professional dispositions, requirements for practicum enrollment, and approval of application for directed teaching.

Additional information related to the appeals process may be obtained from the School of Education office. Appeals and grievances on all matters, except Admission to SOE and disposition evaluations, will be subject to Park University policies and procedures as outlined in the catalog.

The following requirements are the minimum application criteria. Meeting these requirements states that the applicant is eligible for admission consideration, but does not guarantee admission.

  Criteria for Admission to the School of Education Programs

The Park University School of Education has Missouri Certification and Non-Certification Programs. The Missouri Certification programs include Elementary, Middle School, Secondary, and K-12. The Non-certification program is Education Studies, Early Childhood Teaching Young Children.