2024-2025 University Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog

Equal Opportunity

Diversity Statement

Park University is committed to recruiting, developing, retaining, and promoting talented employees with diverse backgrounds, talents, skills and experiences. At Park University, diversity encompasses a variety of characteristics, lifestyles, and perspectives. The University firmly believes this diversity is essential to enhancing the quality of service to its students, to meeting the needs and goals of its learners, and to ensuring the personal satisfaction of its employees and the Park University community.

Disability Guidelines

Park University is committed to meeting the needs of all students who meet the criteria for special assistance. These guidelines are designed to supply directions to students concerning the information necessary to accomplish this goal. It is Park University’s policy to comply fully with federal and state law regarding students with disabilities and, to the extent of any inconsistency between these guidelines and federal and/or state law, the provisions of the law will apply. In addition to academic accommodations, we will also provide accommodations for campus activities. Contact us if you need services for plays, athletic events, graduation, club activities or other events.

 Permanent Disability Guidelines

Notification of Disability: It is the student’s responsibility to submit the Request for Disability Services form and to provide adequate and appropriate documentation of a disability in order to receive academic accommodations. Documentation must be provided in a timely manner to ensure full resolution of accommodations prior to the term for which the student requests accommodations. This will allow time to make all necessary arrangements prior to the initial class meeting. Documentation should be submitted to Assistant Director of Academic Support Services, Campus Box 46 (fax (816) 505-5445). A copy of the Request form and documentation will be securely retained in the student’s electronic file.

Students who have received disability services in high school will find helpful information regarding their rights, responsibilities, and transition from high school to university from the Missouri Association for Higher Education and Disabilities (MOAHEAD). Visit the MO-AHEAD webpage at moahead.org. Once there, click the link for “The Guidebook.” There you can find a link to the Table of Contents to help you find more information.

  • Notification of Disability — Students must submit notification of disability at least six weeks prior to the beginning of classes in the academic term the student wishes to attend. This will allow time to make all necessary arrangements prior to the initial class meeting. Documentation should be submitted to the director of academic support services, CMB 46, or fax (816) 505-5445. Documentation will be retained in the student’s electronic file.
  • Learning Disabilities — In order to receive special accommodations for learning disabilities, students must provide supporting diagnostic test results from a licensed psychologist or a certified specialist in learning disabilities. This evaluation must detail the student’s specific learning disability or disabilities. The accommodations request should be detailed. This information should be as current as possible, preferably not more than three years old. Park University will evaluate, but may reject, documentation more than three years old.
  • Physical Disabilities — Students must provide documentation from a physician that specifies the nature of the disability or disabilities. The documentation should include prescriptive information from a qualified specialist as to the exact nature of all accommodations necessary to meet the needs of the student. This information should be as current as possible. Park University reserves the right to request updated verification of disability and necessary accommodations.
  • Psychiatric Disabilities — Students should provide documentation from a licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat psychological/psychiatric disorders. The documentation should include a diagnosis, date of diagnosis, date of the diagnostician’s last contact with the student, and a summary of the present symptoms and a prognosis. Documentation should describe how the psychiatric condition functionally interferes with, or impacts the student’s ability to participate in an educational setting and give suggestions of academic accommodations that might be appropriate in an educational setting, supported by a disability-related rationale.
  • Auxiliary Aids — Appropriate aids will be selected only after consultation with the student who will use them.

 Temporary Disability Guidelines

In the case of temporary disabilities, every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodation for the duration of any disability. To insure prompt and appropriate action, the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services should be notified immediately of the arrangements believed to be necessary to accommodate a given temporary disability. Additional information concerning Park University’s policies and procedures related to disability can be found at www.park.edu/disability.

 Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations Policy

Park University provides pregnant students with at least the same special services as it provides to students with temporary disabilities and prohibits the harassment and discrimination of students based on sex, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions, including breastfeeding.

Park also provides reasonable accommodations to qualifying students with disabilities related to pregnancy and childbirth. Students may request accommodations through the Park University Disability Services office at disabilityservices@park.edu. Please refer to Park’s Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations policy and Student Housing policy for more information, available at https://www.park.edu/terms-and-regulations/disability-guidelines.html.

  Pregnancy and Chemistry Laboratory Safety

A pregnant woman working in a lab should exercise caution when handling or working with any chemicals. Women should notify their supervisor or instructor when they become pregnant so the potential hazards in the lab can be assessed and appropriate protective measures can be taken.

 Documentation Requirements

Park University recognizes the best practices recommended by the national Association on Higher Education and Disability. We also realize that each individual and each disability is unique. Specific documentation requirements will vary according to the type of disability, but the following guidelines define acceptable documentation:

  1. It is prepared by a licensed professional who is knowledgeable in the field of the student’s particular disability, and provide a description of the diagnostic methodology and/or a description of the diagnostic criteria, evaluation methods, procedures, tests and dates of administration, as well as a clinical narrative, observation, and specific results. Where appropriate to the nature of the disability, having both summary data and specific test scores (with the norming population identified) within the report is recommended.

Learning Disabilities (LD/ADHD): Students must provide supporting diagnostic test results from a licensed psychologist or certified specialist in learning disabilities. All testing should be based on adult level norms.

Physical Disabilities: Students must provide documentation from a physician that specifies the nature of the disability or disabilities.

Psychiatric Disabilities: Students should provide documentation from a licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat psychological disorders.

  1. It is no older than three years. (Certain long-term medical and health conditions may not be subject to this element. ex: blindness). Park University will evaluate, but may reject, documentation over three years old. We reserve the right to request updated verification of disability and necessary accommodations.
  2. It includes a statement of diagnosis.
  3. It includes a description of the student’s current functioning and/or the current status of the disability.
  4. It describes how the disability affects the student’s learning/functioning in a postsecondary educational setting.
  5. It includes recommendations for appropriate post-secondary accommodations.
  6. It is dated and signed by the licensed professional and presented on letterhead of the professional.
  7. It should include information regarding medication the student may be using and treatment he/she may be undergoing. This also should include the medication or treatment’s impact on the student’s ability to function in an academic setting.

 Help Us Help You!

The Academic Success Center at Park University is pleased to serve our students with special needs. If you are seeking accommodations for a disability, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Fill in and submit the Request for Disability Services form.

This lets us know a little about you, your needs, and how we can serve you. You can find the form at www.park.edu/terms-andregulations. Print the blank form, fill it out, then mail, fax, or scan and email to:

Park University
8700 River Park Drive
Parkville, MO 64152
Fax: (816) 505-5445
Email: disabilityservices@park.edu

(If you have questions: call (816) 584-6313)

  1. Carefully read our policies and documentation requirements shown above.
  2. Submit your documentation.

You may need to contact your doctor, psychologist, school counselor, VA counselor, or other qualified medical/educational professional to send your information. Use the same contact information shown above. Your information will be handled appropriately to protect your confidentiality. (Please note: your submission of the Request form begins the process, but no accommodations can be determined or provided until the documentation is received.)

  1. Become familiar with the information in this handbook, so you will know how and when your instructors are notified, how accommodations are arranged, and other important aspects of receiving your services.

 Documentation Review Process

Once your documentation is received, the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services will review it and determine appropriate accommodations. If your documentation does not satisfy the requirements above, you may be asked to submit updated or more complete information. Be sure to submit your documents in a timely manner to allow adequate time for the review process before the term begins.

When your request has been reviewed, you will receive notification of the approved accommodations. If you are a student on the Parkville campus, your accommodations will be handled by the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services. If you attend a different campus, your Campus Director will work with you on providing the accommodations. Online students will work with the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services, and may also work with a Park University campus center for proctoring.

If you are not satisfied with the accommodations you have been granted, please contact Academic Support Services to discuss the situation. In some cases, we may be able to make adjustments. In others, additional documentation may be needed. For more information on filing a grievance, please see the details in the Handbook for Students with Disabilities at www.park.edu/terms-and-regulations.

DO NOT ask your instructor, campus director, regional director, or proctor to provide accommodations if you have not first submitted a Request for Disability Services form and documentation to the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services.

Please keep in touch with us to let us know how you are doing, and inform us immediately if you need additional assistance.

Your disability information is CONFIDENTIAL. We will inform the appropriate faculty or campus personnel of the accommodations you require, but we do not disclose the nature of your disability. In some cases, you may find that sharing this information with your instructors may help them understand you better, but that choice is up to you.

Note: Disability files are updated each year at the beginning of the spring and fall terms. If you are not enrolled for the current term, your file will be marked “inactive,” and you will be notified by email. To reactivate your file and your accommodations, simply notify the Assistant Director of Academic Support Services by email when you enroll again.

 Service Animal Policies at Park University

  General Guidelines

Bona fide service animals may accompany students, employees, and visitors with disabilities to Park University events, activities, and locations with rare exceptions. Local, state, and federal laws regulate the use of service animals at Park.


  • Service Animal: According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a service animal is “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items. A service animal is not a pet.”
  • Partner/Handler: A person with a service animal.

  Requirements For All Service Animals and Their Partners

  • Vaccination: The animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal.
  • Health: The animal must be in good health.
  • Under control of partner/handler: The partner/handler must be in full control of the animal at all times.
  • Cleanup Rule: The partner should encourage the animal to use marked service animal toileting areas when such areas are provided.
  • Documentation: Before a service animal becomes a part of the campus community, partners are required to submit a written request to the Director of Academic Support Services and documentation from a certified professional that includes the diagnosis of a specific disability which verifies the need for a service animal. If approved, we will issue the partner a letter of verification that may be presented to faculty and staff. Additional documentation that verifies current vaccinations and immunizations of the service animal must accompany the initial request and be re-submitted annually.

  When an Animal Can Be Removed

Service animals may be removed or restricted on the campus for reasons of disruption, health, uncleanliness, and safety. For example, a partner/handler will be asked to remove the animal from the facility or event if the animal is ill and/or when the animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons and/or animals.

  Areas Off-limits to Service Animals

For safety and other reasons, all animals are restricted from certain areas, including laboratories, maintenance rooms/custodial closets, and areas where protective clothing is required.

Note: Requests for exceptions to this restriction must be submitted to the ADA Compliance Officer.


The partner/handler of an animal at a Park University campus or event is personally responsible for any damage to property and/or harm to others caused by the animal while on the campus or sponsored event.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Park University is committed to equality in employment in all personnel matters, both academic and non-academic areas. Park University shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, and veteran status. The University will follow procedures to prohibit discrimination in accordance with appropriate legal principles, including, but not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Inquiries or concerns may be directed to the Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer.

Physically Inaccessible Classrooms

Park University takes seriously its commitment to removing educational barriers and providing accessible facilities to all students, employees, and visitors. Due to its historic campus, the University has a limited number of classrooms that are only accessible by staircase. These rooms include the following: Lower level of the Chapel, Alumni Hall 3rd floor, Herr House (except limited first floor access), and Dearing (except first floor). The University encourages all students to check schedules for classroom assignments as soon as possible to determine the location of their classrooms, and whether they have any concerns about the accessibility of the assigned classroom. Students who have accessibility concerns due to a documented physical or mobility-related disability should contact Disability Services, Ms. Florenda Jarrard, Assistant Director of Academic Support Services, (816) 584-6313 or disabilityservices@park.edu. The University encourages students to notify Disability Services as early as possible to allow the University the opportunity to provide appropriate accommodations prior to the start of classes.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Park University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion and age in employment, and in its admission, education, programs, and activities of students under state and federal law, including Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Title IX specifically prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex. Park University will not tolerate sex discrimination or harassment of applicants, students, or employees, whether by students, faculty, staff, administrators, contractors, or outside vendors. Park University recognizes not only its legal responsibilities but also its moral and ethical responsibilities to prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex and to take appropriate and timely action to ensure an environment free of such inappropriate conduct and behavior. Additionally, Park University will not tolerate retaliation in any form against an applicant, student, or employee for reporting a violation of this policy or assisting in the investigation of a complaint. Inquiries or concerns about the Non-Discrimination Policy may be directed to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources or the Dean of Students, Park University, 8700 NW River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152, or call (816) 741-2000.

Park University Notification and Documentation Policy for Special Assistance under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Park University is committed to meeting the needs of all students who qualify for special assistance. It is the University’s policy to comply fully with federal and state laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, regarding students with disabilities. To the extent of any inconsistency between these guidelines and federal and/or state law, the provisions of the law will apply.