2024-2025 University Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog

Admissions Policies and Procedures

Park University seeks students with a desire to pursue academic excellence, who value accountability and integrity, and desire to engage in a global community of learners. No applicant will be denied admission on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status or veteran’s status.

Readmission of Returning Students and Alumni

An application for admission is required for all students who:

  • Change from non-degree seeking to degree seeking
  • Defer an admissions application for more than one year (from the original admission term)
  • Do not maintain continuous enrollment (See Academic Regulations and Policies )
  • Complete a degree program/credential and wish to pursue a subsequent degree program/credential

Undergraduate Admissions

How to Apply

• An application for undergraduate admission (www.park.edu/apply)

• An application fee (per the Tuition and Fees   page)

• Official transcript(s) from previously attended secondary and/or post-secondary institution(s) sent directly to Park University by the issuing institution (mail or electronic):

Park University

Office of the Registrar

Box 27

8700 NW River Park Drive

Parkville, MO 64152-3795


Electronic delivery: regtrans@park.edu

Contact your previous institution to request an official transcript be sent to Park. Park accepts electronic transcripts through vendors such as Parchment and National Student Clearinghouse. 

All US transfer credit will be evaluated by Park University. Certified English translations of each transcript must be provided for transcripts that are in a language other than English. An official high school transcript is required for students with fewer than 24 postsecondary credits. 

*International student athletes must request an InCred evaluation of transcripts and need to select “Certified Copy Add On” on the Incred application. 

Applications for domestic admission may be submitted through the first day of the desired academic term. International Non-Immigrant Students should apply by April 1 for term(s) beginning in August and October 1 for term(s) beginning in January. 

For more information about international admissions, including English language proficiency, please visit: https://catalog.park.edu/content.php?catoid=16&navoid=4856&hl=%22language+proficiency%22&returnto=search

A 2.0 cumulative GPA from a US institution or college OR 3.0 cumulative GPA from a USA high school is required for full admission. For international students matriculating from a language center, a 2.5 converted GPA is required.

Students applying for admission to Park University must present evidence of high school graduation if they have fewer than 24 post-secondary credits. The official transcript from the accredited secondary institution from which the student graduated is the accepted form of evidence of graduation. One (1) of the following alternatives to the official transcript may be submitted as evidence of high school graduation:


• GED certificate

• A certificate or other official completion document demonstrating the student has passed a state-authorized examination considered equivalent to a high school diploma such as the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), the High School Equivalency Test (HiSet), or the California High School Proficiency Exam.

• Official transcript(s) from an institution(s) having designated accreditation from which the student has earned a minimum total of 24 credit hours or an associate’s degree

• Home school transcript that demonstrates the student has met minimum criteria to earn a high school diploma as defined by state law

• Additional alternatives for active members or veterans of the United States Armed Forces:

• Official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)

• Official Joint Services Transcript (JST)

• Leave and Earnings Statement indicating year of high school graduation (LES)

• DD-214

Students will not be eligible for Title IV federal financial aid or access federally funded benefits such as military tuition assistance for payment until one (1) of the acceptable alternatives providing evidence of high school graduation has been submitted. For more information refer to the Financial Aid section of this undergraduate catalog.

Full (Unconditional) Admission will be granted to applicants who, upon submission of all required official transcripts, have met the following minimum academic requirements: A minimum high school grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (for freshmen) or a minimum 2.0 (4.0 scale) postsecondary grade point average (combined postsecondary GPA from all previous institutions) for transfer students (students who have earned 12 or more college credits after completing high school). 


Provisional admission will be granted to students who supply an unofficial copy of the secondary (or postsecondary) institution transcript or an unofficial copy of one of its alternatives.  Students submitting unofficial documents will have eight (8) weeks from the start date of the first term of enrollment to supply Park University with the official document(s). Students admitted provisionally will not be permitted to remain enrolled in and/or complete additional coursework until official transcripts and/or other required documents have been submitted.


Admission may be withdrawn if it was granted on the basis of incorrect information or on the omission of relevant facts.



Prior to enrolling in coursework for the first time at Park University entering students must complete an English and Math assessment. The assessment measures English and Math skills in order to enroll students in the appropriate level of coursework. For detailed information, refer to the Placement Policy.  

Undocumented immigrant students who have completed and are able to provide proof of having a diploma from an accredited high school in the United States, are eligible for admission to Park University, provided they meet the admission requirements stated above.

NonDegree Seeking Students

An applicant can enroll in courses without formal admission to a degree program and in doing so will be classified as Non-Degree Seeking Student. Students without a high school diploma or equivalent cannot enroll in Park classes unless they are part of a cooperative program between Park University and the student’s current institution. A non-degree seeking student is not eligible to receive federal financial aid. A student may enroll in a total of 30 credit hours while classified as non-degree seeking. To enroll in course work which requires a pre-requisite non-degree seeking students must provide course evidence that prerequisites have been met, otherwise the academic area Program Chair must be consulted to approve course enrollment.

Park University reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant. Students who do not meet the minimum expectations for college readiness as evidenced by academic performance at other educational institutions may be offered provisional admission. Students entering on provisional admission must meet minimum expectations for academic performance as outlined in the undergraduate academic standing policy. 

Graduate Admissions

Admission to a graduate degree program at Park University is granted by the University. Each academic program may establish, with proper approvals, admission standards higher than the minimum standards established by the University, but no applicant who fails to meet the minimum standards may be admitted for graduate studies at Park University. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the dean of the college to which the student has applied, and such exception will be made only under rare circumstances, on the basis of clear evidence that the applicant is capable of successfully completing the program.

To be admitted, each applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from an acceptable accredited United States institution of higher learning or a degree equivalent to a United States bachelor’s degree from an accredited foreign institution. Any student wishing to receive transfer credit for coursework undertaken at a foreign institution must request a foreign credit evaluation from a Foreign Credential Evaluation Services company approved by either AICE (Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc.) or NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc.). Students must contact the company directly, request a detailed report with course-level identification which must also be sent directly from the evaluation service to regtrans@park.edu

The undergraduate grade point average required for admission is 2.75 on a 4.0 scale earned at the baccalaureate granting institution. Individual programs may have additional requirements.

Admission may be withdrawn if it was granted on the basis of incorrect information or on the omission of relevant facts, which, if known at the time of the admission, would have resulted in denial. In order to complete the application process, applicants must submit the following documents, unless otherwise indicated by policy:

• An application for graduate admission (www.park.edu/apply)

• An application fee (per the Tuition and Fees   page).

• An official transcript of the bachelor’s degree*, sent directly to regtrans@park.edu(or Office of the Registrar) by the issuing institution. 

• For students who earned bachelor’s degrees outside of the United States:

• Official transcripts, including an official copy of the Degree Certificate/Diploma Certificate, must be received directly from the issuing institution or 

• The student may provide a foreign credit evaluation from a Foreign Credential Evaluation Services company approved by either AICE (Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc.) or NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc.) that shows completion of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. A course-by-course evaluation is required if the student is seeking to transfer credit, or if the graduate program admissions standards require verification of particular course(s). Otherwise, a general report with grade point average will be acceptable. 

• Students whose undergraduate institutions provide only one copy of the official transcript and/or Degree Certificate/Diploma Certificate may provide the official transcript directly to the University for verification at the required in-person international student orientation; it will be copied and returned to the student. 


• Certified English translations of the transcripts must be provided for transcripts that are in a language other than English. 


• Student athletes must submit official transcripts of all graduate and undergraduate institutions previously attended for athletic certification. International student-athletes must have their secondary/postsecondary transcripts evaluated through InCred. *International student athletes must request an InCred evaluation of transcripts and need to select “Certified Copy Add On” on the Incred application. 

Note: The University reserves the right to require that students obtain a professional credential evaluation by an approved third party if a timely verification of the authenticity of official transcripts cannot be performed by the University, or if further information is needed to determine eligibility for admissions. Applicants are responsible for supplying the correct academic records and paying for the evaluation through an approved third party (approved by either AICE or NACES). 

Types of Graduate Admission

Students will be admitted to a graduate program with one of the following statuses. Contact Graduate Admissions for more information. 

1. Full Admission. Applicants who meet all admission requirements and the Graduate Admissions office has received all necessary documents, are granted full admission. 

2. Provisional Admission. Students may be admitted to a program on a provisional basis and their admission status will be classified as “provisional.” The provisional status will be removed when applicants submit transcripts, test scores or other required documents. Students admitted provisionally will not be permitted to remain enrolled in and/or complete additional coursework until official transcripts and/or other required documents have been submitted.

3. Probationary Admission. In certain exceptional cases, a student who does not meet the minimum grade point average or other minimum admission requirements, but who presents other evidence of ability to succeed in a graduate program, may be granted probationary admission by the director of the graduate program in which the applicant is applying, in concurrence with the dean of the college or designee. The probationary status may be removed after the student has demonstrated academic ability by maintaining a “B” average for the first six credit hours of graduate courses, with no grade lower than a “B”. Students who are granted probationary admission and who earn a grade lower than B in their first six credits will be academically suspended. 

4. Non-Degree-Seeking Students. Non-degree status is available to those with a bachelor’s degree who wish to enroll in graduate courses for professional advancement, but who do not plan to complete a degree or certificate program. Non-degree-seeking students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in their bachelor’s work to be considered for admission. Students with lower GPAs may be considered on an individual basis by the relevant program director. However, if/when they intend to apply these courses to a degree or certificate program, the student must submit a new application and submit all required admissions materials. No more than 12 graduate credits earned in a non-degree status at Park University may be applied to a master’s degree program and no more than six (6) graduate credits earned in a non-degree status at Park University may be applied to a graduate certificate program.

Change of Graduate Programs 

Students must have satisfactory graduate standing (3.0 or better grade point average) to be eligible to change from one Park University graduate program to another Park University graduate program. A student may have no grade lower than a “C” and no more than six (6) hours graded “C” in graduate courses taken at Park University at the time of the change. Students must submit a new application and all additional required admissions documents, if applicable, to the new graduate program. 

International non-immigrant students studying on an F-1 visa must notify the Office of International Education (IE) within 14 days of making this change by submitting a Notification of Change of Major/Program Form. Failure to notify IE of the program change will result in the loss of lawful F-1 visa status.

If an international non immigrant student on an F-1 visa will not be able to complete their new program by the Program End Date listed on their I-20, they must also request an I-20 Extension from IE. The student must submit the following documentation to IE to request an I-20 Extension:

  1. I-20 Extension Request Form
  2. Proof of Financial Support
    1. If the funds listed in the Proof of Financial Support are not in the name of the student, an Affidavit of Support from the financial sponsor must accompany the Proof of Financial Support and I-20 Extension Request Form.

4+1 Undergraduate to Graduate Programs

The 4+1 Undergraduate to Graduate Programs allow undergraduate students with at least 60 undergraduate credit hours and a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 are qualified to take graduate course work toward a MBA, MHA, MPA, or ISBA program. 4+1 course work satisfies both undergraduate and graduate degree program requirements. Up to 12 credit hours of graduate course work is permitted in the 4+1 programs.

Sequential Degree Programs

The sequential degree provides the opportunity for graduate alumni of the College of Management  at Park University to receive up to 12 credit hours in course substitutions towards the completion of another College of Management  graduate degree. Alumni from Park University graduate programs that are not aligned under the College of Management  are not eligible to participate in the sequential degree options. They may receive up to 9 hours of transfer credit.