Requirements For: B.S. Major – 42 hours, 2.0 gpa
Social Psychology blends the strengths of psychology and sociology. It studies the “person in the situation,” and integrates knowledge about individual, group, and organizational processes. It is an adaptable major that trains students for a wide range of career options, and it is personally useful in every facet of your life beyond mere employment. Social psychology trains you to see yourself, others, and the cultures and societies we live in more clearly, critically, and completely. It equips you with a set of tools useful for a wide range of careers in business and industry, government, applied social research, data analysis and interpretation, policy and program implementation, the helping and service professions, or continued graduate study in psychology or sociology. The Park University Social Psychology major combines a solid core in the field with a number of flexible, specialized concentrations that allow you to tailor the degree to your needs and interests. Students may take any 12 hours of PS and SO electives. All students also leave the major with a set of technical and conceptual tools that will allow them to collect, analyze, and interpret social research data and apply those findings in a number of careers. Theory and Application 21 cr.
Select one of the following 3 cr.
Research Methods and Statistics 6 cr.
Professional Seminars 3 cr.
Electives 12 cr.
Select four courses from Sociology or Psychology. - At least 6 credits need to come from 300-400 level
*Program specified substitution for EN 306* writing requirement. ⬧ Only offered online Liberal Education Requirements
Math Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: MA 120 , MA 135 , or higher math course excluding MA 208 Ethics Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: CA 302 , CS 300 , EDU 310 , MG 495 , NS 306 , PA 380 , PH 102 , PH 221 , PH 308 , PS 220 , SO 220 or SW 492 Humanities Requirement 6 cr.
Select one of the following Art or English: AR 115 , AR 215 , AR 216 , EN 201 , EN 221 , EN 232 , EN 234 And one of the following: AR 115 , AR 215 , AR 216 , EN 201 , EN 221 , EN 232 , EN 234 , CA 104 , CA 116 , CA 235 , FR 201 , ML 235 ,ML 251 , PH 101 , PC 202 ,PH 205 , RE 109 , SP 110 , SP 201 , SP 202 , TH 100 , TH 101 , TH 201 , TH 216 Natural Science Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: BI 214 , CH 101 , CH 102 , CH 107 and CH 107L , CH 108 and CH 108L , GGP 115 , GGP 120 , GGP 205 , GO 125 , GO 130 , GO 141 , GO 151 , GO 200 , NS 220 , NS 241 , PY 101 , PY 155 , PY 156 , PY 205 , or PY 206 *Computer Science and PE courses excluded. Science with a lab Requirement 4 cr.
Select one of the following: BI 101 , BI 111 , BI 223 , BI 211 , BI 212 , BIO 221 , BIO 225 , BIO 325 , BIO 327 , BIO 330 , BIO 337L and BIO 337 , BIO 350 , BIO 378 , BIO 400 , BIO 410 , BIO 411 , BIO 417 , CH 107L and CH 107 , CH 108L and CH 108 , CH 317L and CH 317 , CH 318L and CH 318 , CH 328 , CH 329 , CH 337L and CH 337 , CH 405 , CH 440 , GGP 115 , GGP 205 , GO 130 , GO 141 , GO 151 , GO 200 , GO 310 , GO 320 , GO 330 , PY 155 , PY 156 , PY 205 , or PY 206 Social Science Requirement 6 cr.
Select two of the following: AN 100 , CJ 100 , CJ 200 , EC 141 , EC 142 , EDU 210 , FI 201 , GGH 110 , GGH 200 , HIS 104 , HIS 105 , PO 216 , PS 101 , PS 125 , PS 205 , SO 141 , SO 206 , or SW 205 Seminar: Integrative & Interdisciplinary Learning 3 cr.
Select one of the topics for LE 300* Graduation Requirements
Upper Division Hours 36 cr.
36 hours upper division (300 - 400) level course work Professional Writing Requirement 3 cr.
EN 306A , EN 306B , EN 306C , EN 307 , EDU 300 , CJ 450 , HIS 306 , HIS 452 , HIS 453 , HIS 454 , HIS 455 , MG 306 , NS 306 , PA 430 , PO 405 , PS 300 , PS 406 , or SO 300 Additional Requirements
Park University grants the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Public Administration, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and the Bachelor of Music Degree upon completion of the following requirements: - Completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours with a cumulative 2.0 GPA (or higher dependent on major).
- A minor for Geography and Information Systems majors.
- Satisfaction of all requirements for a major.
- Completion of degree specific requirements.
- Completion of Liberal Education requirements.
- Completion of residency requirement, 30 hours of earned and graded (A, B, C, D) college hours at Park University. At least 15 of these 30 hours must be in the major.