2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations and Policies

Academic Records and Registration

The Registrar’s Office maintains for each enrolled student an academic record and a degree audit. All official academic transactions are recorded. A degree audit reflecting all completed courses will be available on request. A copy of the degree audit may also be obtained through the MyPark portal. Any student may obtain copies of a transcript by filing an official transcript request along with the per copy fee. No transcripts will be issued unless at least one graded Park University course appears on the transcript. No outstanding balance may show on the student’s account. Students may obtain an unofficial copy of their transcript through the MyPark portal.

Degree Audit

After transfer credits have been evaluated, a degree audit is prepared which itemizes the student’s degree completion requirements. The student must complete the degree requirements in effect at the time of the initial evaluation. The requirements are not affected if Park University changes the degree program in future catalogs unless the student discontinues classes for a period of five (5) or more years. Applying for Readmission to Park will update the degree requirements to the current catalog. Students may access their degree audit at any time via the student tab in the MyPark portal. In each degree program there are “additional electives” required to complete the degree. However, the number of hours shown on an individual student’s degree audit may vary from that in the catalog depending on the individual record of each student. The degree audit is an advising tool and does not constitute an agreement or a contract. A final review is made prior to graduation to insure the completion of all degree requirements. The audit will be corrected if an error is found. The initial audit will serve as a record of admission to Park University for purposes of financial aid and Veterans Administration eligibility

English, Mathematics and Modern Language Placement Policy for New Park University Students

English Placement: For proper placement into their first Park University English course, new students must (1) provide C or better college credit for freshman composition courses equivalent to Park’s EN 105  and EN 106 , or (2) provide ACT or SAT English subscores, or (3) take the English assessment administered by Park’s Academic Support Center at no cost to the student. If a student provides C or better college credit for freshman composition courses equivalent to Park’s EN 105  and EN 106 , then the student will automatically satisfy Park’s lower-level liberal education English requirement. If a student has an ACT English subscore of at least 21 or an SAT English subscore of at least 500 (SAT prior to March 2016) or SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing subscore of at least 310, the student will be eligible to take EN 105 - First Year Writing Seminar I: Critical Reading, Writing and Thinking Across Contexts  as their first Park English course. Students with lower ACT/ SAT English scores or no scores are required to contact Park’s Academic Support Center about taking the English assessment. The assessment will then be used to determine the student’s first Park University English course. For additional placement policies regarding international students, refer to the catalog’s International Students section.

Mathematics Placement: For proper placement into their first Park University mathematics course, new students must (1) provide C or better college credit for a college algebra course equivalent to Park’s MA 135 , or (2) provide ACT or SAT math subscores, or (3) take the mathematics assessment administered by Park’s Academic Support Center at no cost to the student. If a student provides C or better college credit for a college algebra course equivalent to Park’s MA 135 , then the student will automatically satisfy Park’s liberal education mathematics requirement. If a student has an ACT mathematics subscore of at least 27 or an SAT mathematics subscore of at least 620 (SAT prior to March 2016) or SAT mathematics subscore of at least 640, the student may petition the Office of Academic Affairs to have their liberal education mathematics requirement waived. If a student has an ACT mathematics subscore of at least 23 or an SAT mathematics subscore of at least 510 (SAT prior to March 2016) or SAT mathematics subscore of at least 540, the student will be eligible to take MA 120 - Basic Concepts of Statistics  or MA 135 - College Algebra  as their first Park mathematics course. If a student has an ACT mathematics subscore of at least 21 or an SAT mathematics subscore of at least 500 (SAT prior to March 2016) or SAT mathematics subscore of at least 530, the student will be eligible to take MA 120 - Basic Concepts of Statistics  or MA 125 - Intermediate Algebra  as their first Park mathematics course. Students with lower ACT/SAT mathematics scores or no scores will be required to contact Park’s Academic Support Center about taking the mathematics assessment. The assessment will then be used to determine the student’s first Park University mathematics course.

Modern Language Placement: The modern language requirement pertains to BA degrees only. However, students seeking BS degrees can take modern language courses for elective credit. Students who are interested in taking a modern language course must contact the Academic Support Center or the Department of English and Modern Languages for instructions on how to take the Modern Languages Assessment at no cost to the student. The assessment will then be used to determine the student’s first Park University modern language course.

Priority Enrollment

Student enrollments in Air Force on-base education services sponsored programs will be given the following priority: (1) active duty military personnel, (2) civilian employees of Department of Defense agencies, and (3) family members of active duty military, military reserve and guard members, retired military personnel. Community civilians may be admitted on a space available basis and to the extent of compatibility with local base security and essential mission commitments.

Student enrollments in Army on-post education services sponsored programs will be given the following priority: (1) active duty military, (2) family members of active duty military personnel, (3) Department of Defense civilians employed on post, (4) retired military personnel, (5) family members of retired military personnel, and (6) civilians.

Student enrollment in Marine Corps on-base education services sponsored programs will be given priority as follows: (1) active duty Marines, (2) reserve components, (3) family members of active duty personnel, (4) DOD employees and their family members, and (5) civilians on a space available basis when programs are not otherwise conveniently available.

Student enrollment in Navy on-base education services sponsored programs will be given priority as follows: (1) active duty military personnel, (2) family members of active duty military personnel, (3) Department of Defense civilians employed on post, (4) military reserve and guard members, (5) retired military personnel, (6) family members of retired military personnel, and (7) civilians.

Park University awards four semester hours of lower level electives for completion of Basic Military Science and six semester hours of upper level electives for completion of Advanced Military Science. Textbooks and uniforms are furnished by the government.

Accessing the Online Classroom

  1. Go to http://canvas.park.edu.
  2. Under “Park ID” enter your Park University ID number.
  3. Under “password,” enter your MyPark password.
  4. Click on the button immediately below that says “Log In.”

Access Help

If you have forgotten your ID or Password, or need assistance with your MyPark account, please email support.technology@park.edu or for live chat visit http://parkuniversity.echelp.org or call (800) 927-3024. Course Help (Canvas) For technical assistance with theonline classroom, visit https://pdl.park.edu/pages/learnersupport. Your instructor can help you with course content questions or contact the Canvas 24/7 help number (844) 470-5727. For all other information, please email onlinestudents@park.edu.


  1. Course registration is available online or with staff assistance at a Park University campus center. Students taking online courses must have access to a computer and their own email account to enroll in online courses.
  2. Students who pre-enroll for online classes will be able to login to the Park Online Campus http://canvas.park.edu on the first day of class or when they receive MyPark notification that they are granted access to login to their course(s). Students enrolling for classroom based courses:
    • Select the Campus Center from which you are taking the course
    • Select the year
    • Select the Term (Fall, Fall I, Fall II, Spring, Spring I, Spring II or Summer)
    • Select the letter designation of the department
    • Select the course number and title
    • Click on “Update”
  3. In order to maintain registration students must demonstrate funding for the term with completed and processed financial assistance in the form of Veterans Administration education benefits, Pell Grant, Stafford Student Loan, Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS), Military Tuition Assistance and tuition assistance from any other agency. Proper approval signatures must be obtained by the student. Students who are not funded by Military Tuition Assistance must pay for all tuition and fees at the time of registration. VA Vocational Rehabilitation students are exempt from this policy. If, for any reason, the assistance, benefits, or payment cannot be collected by the University, the student assumes the obligation to pay in full all outstanding tuition/fees. Payment can be made using check, money order, American Express, MasterCard, Discover or Visa to pay for all fees and costs.

Term dates can be found at www.park.edu/calendars/term-dates or at the campus center home page. Students cannot be given credit for a course for which they have not registered. In order to receive credit for a course, students must have either been registered for the course at Park or have received transfer credit through evaluation.

Email Policy for Students

All students are provided a Park University email address. All class and administrative correspondence will be sent to students at this address and/or within the online course environment.

Special Services

Students requiring special services associated with a documented learning, physical, and/or psychiatric disability, should contact the Academic Support Center at the earliest opportunity so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is an integral part of the academic program of Park University. Advisors are full-time faculty or staff. The advisors serve as a central academic resource and mentor of Park University students. Each student has an advisor who provides guidance in academic planning and who is available for counseling on academic and related issues and concerns. Each student is expected to work closely with his/her advisor in the design and pursuit of a coherent course of study shaped by his/her goals and interests and by University and departmental requirements.

Academic advising at Park University is viewed as a cooperative educational partnership between advisor and advisee, grounded in mutual respect and a common commitment to student growth and success. The advisor/advisee relationship respects the autonomy and intellect of each student and acknowledges the broader developmental and educational contexts within which academic advising occur.

Although advisors and advisees work together in all areas related to academic planning, academic decision-making responsibilities, including the responsibility for meeting each of the graduation requirements of the University, rest ultimately with the student. Primary responsibility for timely, effective use of the academic advising system also remains with the student.

Academic advisors are responsible for providing their advisees with appropriate, accurate information concerning the academic policies, programs, procedures, and resources of the University. Advisors also assist advisees in defining, developing, and pursuing an educational plan consistent with their academic, career, and life goals, including the selection of an academic major consistent with their interests and abilities within the broader liberal educational curriculum. Advisees are encouraged to meet regularly with their advisors in order to realize the full educational potential of the advising program. More specifically, each student shall work carefully with his/her advisor to structure an appropriate course schedule, based on the student’s short and long-term academic objectives as well as his/her career interests and goals. (Advisees will receive a response from their Advisors in a reasonable time.*)

In addition to ongoing general discussions concerning academic planning and scheduling, career goals, and academic progress, students and advisors will want to discuss at least the following:

  • Taking less or more than a standard load (twelve credit hours in a given semester or six credit hours in a given term), International nonimmigrant students should be aware that they are required by federal law to enroll in and complete a full course load each semester; failure to do so may result in the loss of their lawful non-immigrant status. The Office of International Education (OIE) should always be consulted prior to any schedule adjustments that would result in registration in less than a full course load.
  • Dropping a course in progress
  • Changing the schedule in any way
  • Selecting and declaring a major or minor
  • Changing a major or minor
  • Study abroad opportunities
  • Internship possibilities
  • Going on leave or withdrawing from the University

Academic Grievances and Grade Appeals

A student who believes that he/she has an academic grievance must first discuss the concern with the faculty member in charge of the course in which the concern has arisen. If a mutually satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student must then submit a Concern Report to the appropriate Department Chair or Campus Center Academic Director; students may obtain/submit a Concern Report via their Student Success Advisor or Campus Center Director. If no resolution is reached at that level, or if the Department Chair or Campus Center Academic Director is the faculty member named in the first instance, the concern should be taken to the appropriate academic Associate Dean/Dean. The decision of the Associate Dean/Dean will be considered final. Students may petition the Vice President for Academic Affairs only in instances where he/she feels due process or University policy was not followed.

Academic Complaint, Grievance, and Grade Appeal Policy

Park University has developed the following procedures for assuring students have the opportunity to have academic issues reviewed.

To best serve our undergraduates, we have contacts that may be able to facilitate resolutions to issues:

  • For Online Student issues, please email onlinestudents@park.edu
  • For Canvas issues, please contact the Canvas 24/7 help number (844) 470-5727
  • See Student Success Center for details on procedures for many topics (e.g., traffic appeal, financial aid appeal)

Academic Complaint

An academic complaint is an informal, unofficial claim regarding how an Instructor has issued a grade. No written report(s) on the incident or the outcome of the investigation is required.

These are typically represented by informal verbal communications or emails to the Instructor or their academic supervisor. If a mutually satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student may file an Academic Grievance. This is typically done with the appropriate Department Chair or Campus Center Academic Director.

Academic Grievance

An academic grievance is a formal, written allegation of any form of discrimination that impacts:

  1. Any graded assignment(s) and/or a course grade.
  2. Academic grievance procedures apply only in cases involving a perceived academic impropriety arising from a decision taken by:
    1. an individual instructor or researcher;
    2. a college, school, department, or program;
    3. a unit charged to administer academic policies (e.g., Registrar)
  3. They do not pertain to expressing dissatisfaction with a University policy on the basis that a policy is unfair. They do not pertain to individual college, school, department, or program academic policies, as long as those policies are consistent with general University policy.

An academic grievance is typically submitted to the immediate academic supervisor of the individual(s) named in the grievance (e.g., Department Chair or Campus Center Director). If no resolution is reached at that level, the concern should be taken to the appropriate Dean’s Office. The decision of the Dean’s Office will be considered final.

*Students may petition the Vice President for Academic Affairs only in instances where he/she feels due process or University policy was not followed.

Academic Grade Appeal Procedures

  1. The grade appeal form process must be initiated with the Instructor within 30 calendar days of the date the final grade to be challenged was recorded by the University. The grade appeal form cannot be filed until the following has occurred:
    1. The course grade has been officially posted to your degree audit, this includes an “I” (Incomplete) being finalized into a letter grade.
    2. You have contacted the Instructor regarding the posted grade to confirm there is NOT a mutually, satisfactory resolution.
    3. After communications with the Instructor, you have contacted the Department Chair or Campus Center Academic Director and attempted to resolve the dispute over the grade.
  2. If, after discussions with the faculty member and the Department Chair or Campus Center Academic Director, a resolution has not been reached, the student may file a grade appeal (see form and electronic submission; it will state at the URL when you are in MyPark: https://my.park.edu/ICS/Student/Grades/Grade_Appeal.jnz) with all documentation to support your case. The form and documentation will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean’s Office.
  3. All students intending to file a formal grade appeal must:
    1. Do so within 60 calendar days of the end of the term in which the grade to be challenged was recorded.
    2. Use the grade appeal form with electronic submission in MyPark under Student Tab, MyPark: https://my.park.edu/ICS/Student/Grades/Grade_Appeal.jnz.
  4. Once the Grade Appeal is received by the Dean’s Office, the student will be notified that the grade appeal has officially started.
  5. Once submitted all communications regarding grade appeal should be done electronically with the Dean’s Office in an effort to further document the case. Someone from the Dean’s Office may request additional information from the student, instructor or any people or units that could aid in ascertaining specific details in the investigation.
  6. Within 7 calendar days of the receipt of the completed grade appeal, the faculty member named in the appeal will be informed via email by the Dean’s Office that the student has formally advanced the complaint/grievance to a formal grade appeal and all the documents the student has submitted.
  7. The Instructor has 14 calendar days to submit a response via email and their own documentation to the Dean’s Office. It is not required for the Instructor to respond but the Dean’s Office cannot advance the investigation until the 14 calendar days has passed. The deadline can be extended in rare instances due to Instructors having extenuating circumstances, such as Instructors being ill or on vacation. In the event of an extension, the Dean’s Office will notify the student of the new time line and the reasons for the change.
  8. The grade appeal form, the documentation provided by the student, the rebuttal/documentation provided by the Instructor will together form the Grade Appeal Dossier.
  9. The Dean’s Office will review the case and render a decision. In rare instances, the Dean’s Office may also convene the assistance of an Appeals Board, typically 3 full-time faculty members. In cases where such an Appeals Board is assembled to hear a case involving a student from a Campus Center, the Dean’s Office will ensure that the appropriate Campus Center Academic Director is formally involved in the process. The decision of the Dean’s Office will be rendered within 14 calendar days of the completion of the Grade Appeal Dossier. However, this date may be pushed back if an Appeals Board is convened or the investigation produces issues that can take time to retrieve, such as assistance from Information Technology Services or the Learning Management System Company. In the event of an extension, the Dean’s Office will notify the student of the new time line and the reasons for the change.
  10. The Dean’s Office will notify the student of the decision via email. The decision and a summary of the findings will be provided to the student. The documents detailing the entire investigation will be housed with the Dean’s Office.
  11. If a change of grade is required the Change of Grade Form will be filed by the Dean’s Office and submitted to the Registrar on behalf of the Instructor that issued the original grade.
  12. The decision of the Dean’s Office will be considered final. Appeals to the Provost or designee can be made only on the basis that the established policy outlined here was not followed. Simply disagreeing with the decision is not grounds for further appeal.

Students may contact the Student Success Center for assistance with these guidelines and procedures.

Academic Honesty

Academic integrity is the foundation of the academic community. Because each student has the primary responsibility for being academically honest, students are advised to read and understand all sections of this policy relating to standards of conduct and academic life. Park University students and faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of the University resources available for learning about academic honesty at www.park.edu/current-students.


Academic dishonesty includes committing or attempting to commit cheating, plagiarism, falsifying academic records, unauthorized possession or distribution of academic materials, and other acts intentionally designed to provide unfair advantage to the student.

  • Cheating includes, but is not limited to, intentionally giving or receiving unauthorized aid or notes on examinations, papers, laboratory reports, exercises, projects, or class assignments which are intended to be individually completed. Cheating also includes the unauthorized copying of tests or any other deceit or fraud related to the student’s academic conduct.
  • Plagiarism involves the use of quotations without quotation marks, the use of quotations without indication of the source, the use of another’s idea without acknowledging the source, the submission of a paper, laboratory report, project, or class assignment (any portion of such) prepared by another person, or paraphrasing another’s work without acknowledging and documenting the source.
  • Falsifying academic records includes, but is not limited to, altering grades or other academic records. Unauthorized possession or distribution of academic materials may include the unauthorized selling or purchasing of examinations, term papers, or other academic work; stealing another student’s work; using information from or possessing exams that a faculty member did not authorize for release to students.
  • Unauthorized distribution of academic materials also includes preparing, offering to prepare, selling, or distributing material with the knowledge, or under circumstances in which s/he should reasonably have known, that such material is to be submitted by another person for academic credit at any college, university, or education institution.
  • Other academically dishonest acts include, but are not limited to: stealing, manipulating, or interfering with an academic work of another student or faculty member; receiving or giving assistance on a task that was expected to be performed individually; lying to or deceiving a faculty.


The primary responsibility for the initial handling of Academic Dishonesty rests with the instructor. As a first step, the instructor will notify the student in writing that evidence of academic dishonesty has been detected. The instructor will make an effort to schedule a personal meeting or telephone conference with the student to discuss the allegation. Whether or not the student admits to academic dishonesty, if the instructor remains convinced that the alleged violation occurred, either based on evidence or personal observations, the instructor may assign a penalty, such as a verbal reprimand or lowered grade. Possible sanctions are listed in a following section titled Penalties in the Event of Academic Dishonesty. The instructor bringing the charge will document the observation of academic dishonesty and report any penalty imposed on an Academic Dishonesty Incident Report. The report form will be sent to the appropriate Department Chair.

A student who wishes to report an alleged incident of academic dishonesty may do so by reporting the incident on the Academic Dishonesty Incident Report. The report form will be sent to the appropriate instructor. Upon receiving the report, the instructor will make an effort to schedule a personal meeting or telephone conference with the student to discuss the allegation. Whether or not the student admits to academic dishonesty, if the instructor remains convinced that the alleged violation occurred, either based on evidence, the instructor may assign a penalty, such as a verbal reprimand or lowered grade. Possible sanctions are listed in a following section titled Penalties in the Event of Academic Dishonesty. The instructor bringing the charge will report any penalty imposed to the Department Chair on the Academic Dishonesty Incident Report.

If the student does not dispute the charge, the faculty member may then assign a penalty, such as a verbal reprimand or lowered grade. Possible sanctions are listed in a following section titled Penalties in the Event of Academic Dishonesty. Any penalty imposed will be recorded by the faculty member on the incident form and filed (with any supporting documentation) with the appropriate Department Chair, Campus Center Academic Director, or academic Dean.

If the student disputes the allegation of academic dishonesty, he/she may request a review of the issue by the appropriate Department Chair within 10 business days following the initial meeting with the faculty member. The Department Chair may informally resolve the matter in discussion with the student and the instructor.

If the student is unsatisfied with the resolution offered by the Department Chair, the student may request a formal hearing from the appropriate Academic Dean within 15 business days of the Department Chair’s response. The Dean, or the Dean’s designee, will review the case and render a decision. That individual may also employ the assistance of a college/school appeal board.

The decision of the Dean will be considered final. Appeals to the Provost or designee can be made only on the basis that the established policy outlined here was not followed. Simply disagreeing with the decision is not grounds for further appeal. Grades and/ or degree(s) may be withheld pending the outcome of the appeal process.

Penalties in the Event of Academic Dishonesty

In the event of academic dishonesty, the following courses of action are available to Park University, based upon the severity of the violation:

The Course Instructor may:

  • Issue a verbal and/or written reprimand.
  • Assign a lower grade on the test/paper/project in question, with an explanation from the faculty member.
  • Assign a grade of “F” in the course.
  • Refer to the Student Code of Conduct Administrator for possible University-wide sanctions when there is a repeat offense or the single violation is especially egregious.

The Office of Academic Affairs may:

  • Issue a written reprimand.
  • Refer to the Student Code of Conduct Administrator for possible University-wide sanctions when there is a repeat offense or the single violation is especially egregious. The full Student Conduct Code and associated sanctions are available on the Park website at: www.park.edu/student-life.

Academic Progress/Probation

No fixed incremental rate of progress toward a degree is required. A student is considered in good standing as long as the student’s cumulative GPA stands at 2.00 or better, and the student continues to achieve a Park University GPA of 2.00 or better at end of Fall and Spring semesters. Park University assesses students’ academic probation and suspension status at the end of each semester. Individual programs may set program-specific requirements for staying in good standing.

  1. Academic Warning
    If a student’s GPA falls below a 2.0 during any academic semester/term, the student will receive a warning letter from the Office of Academic Affairs after the fall/spring semester or after the summer term. A copy of the letter will be placed in the student’s academic file.
  2. Academic Probation
    A student who fails to achieve a 2.00 cumulative Park University GPA will be placed on academic probation until his/her cumulative Park GPA increases to 2.00 or greater and until he/she meets any specific conditions stated in the probation letter. A letter will be sent to the student by the Office of Academic Affairs after the fall/spring semester. A copy of the letter will be retained in the student’s academic file. Failing to make academic progress may affect a student’s ability to obtain and remain eligible for veteran benefits. The probationary period is not a fixed timeline. It is dependent on the student’s academic performance and is lifted once students (a) meet the GPA requirement, (b) complete the required student success modules, and (c) fulfill any other conditions as set forth by the program/university to maintain good academic standing. Recipients of VA educational benefits who are placed on academic probation are reported to the VA. VA beneficiaries who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements by the end of the evaluation period are suspended from the program and will be reported to the VA. Benefit certifications for the program may be terminated and the VA beneficiary may be in debt to the VA. The VA has final and sole determination on how beneficiaries are affected by students’ academic performance.
  3. Academic Suspension
    In cases where a first-time Park University undergraduate student (in his/her first 16-weeks at Park) meets the criteria for academic suspension, he/she will be placed on academic probation rather than on academic suspension. This provision applies to all first-time Park undergraduate students, including students who enter Park with transfer credits. VA beneficiaries who fail to meet Park’s requirements of making meaningful progress toward a degree by the end of the evaluation period described above are suspended from the program and will be reported to the VA. A student seeking a bachelor’s degree will be placed on suspension according to the following:

    0 - 27 Total Earned Hours*
    Below a 1.00 Cum Park GPA
    28 - 57 Total Earned Hours*
    Below a 1.50 Cum Park GPA
    58 or more Total Earned Hours*
    Below a 1.75 Cum Park GPA
    *includes transfer hours

    A student seeking an associate’s degree will be placed on suspension according to the following:

    0 - 15 Total Earned Hours
    Below a 1.00 Cum Park GPA
    16 - 30 Total Earned Hours
    Below a 1.50 Cum Park GPA
    31 or more Earned Hours
    Below a 1.75 Cum Park GPA

    A student seeking a certificate will be placed on suspension if they receive below a 1.00 cumulative Park grade point average.

    A letter will be sent to the student by the Office of Academic Affairs after the fall/spring semester. Any student who has been suspended may appeal in writing to the appropriate academic Dean or designee. After being academically suspended from Park University, any student who wishes to return/re-enroll is required to apply for readmission. International nonimmigrant students who have been academically suspended and are unable to gain readmission may lose their lawful visa status. If enrollment is broken for two or more semesters for Parkville Campus students, the student will be required to follow the current catalog in effect when readmitted.

    If enrollment is broken for two or more semesters for Parkville Campus students, the student will be required to follow the current catalog in effect when readmitted.
  4. Academic Readmission/ Expulsion
    The student must submit a written request for Readmission to the appropriate academic Dean or designee. A decision is rendered following consultation with the appropriate Campus Center Academic Director or Department Chair. If the student is readmitted, s/he will be placed on probationary status. Failure to meet the requirements stated above could result in expulsion for an indefinite period. International nonimmigrant students who have been expelled and are unable to gain readmission may lose their lawful nonimmigrant status.

Withdrawal Policy

Academic Withdrawals

Academic withdrawals are student-initiated requests to discontinue enrollment in classes. There are two types of academic withdrawals: 1) Course Withdrawals and 2) Session/University Withdrawals. Both types of withdrawals may have implications for financial aid. Students with financial aid should refer to the financial aid policies in the Tuition, Fees, Grants, Scholarships and Financial Aid  section of the catalog. Park University follows the VA’s policy on how withdrawals will affect beneficiaries. The VA’s policy generally requires that withdrawals, adjustments, and/or terminations are VA-certified within 30 days of the last date of attendance. The VA has sole determination with regard VA debt-related issues, but Park University may explain the circumstances that resulted in the VA debt. Additionally, international nonimmigrant students who are withdrawn from a course(s) may lose their lawful nonimmigrant status. Student-athletes who are withdrawn from a course(s) may jeopardize their eligibility.

  1. Course Withdrawal
    A course withdrawal is an official, student-initiated request to discontinue enrollment in one or more, but not all, courses in a session (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring, Maymester, etc.).The notification to discontinue enrollment in a course(s) occurs after the enrollment adjustment period and, therefore, results in a grade of “W” (withdrawn) or “WF” (withdraw failure). Students who withdraw within the first two-thirds of the session receive a “W”. Students who withdraw during the last third of the session receive a “WF”. Home campus and distance students must request a course withdrawal through the Student Success Center or by e-mailing advising@park.edu. Students at campus centers must notify their campus center or student success coach.
  2. Session/University Withdrawal
    A session/university withdrawal is a student-initiated request to discontinue all courses within a session (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring, Maymester, etc.). To request a session/university withdrawal, students must complete the Request for Session/University Withdrawal form in the MyPark portal under My Student Academic Tools>Academic Information>Request for Session/University Withdrawal Form or contact the Registrar’s Office (3rd floor Mackay; academiccompliance@park.edu; 816-584-6270). Students are able to initiate a session/university withdrawal until the last day of the session. When requesting a session/university withdrawal, refunds (if applicable, see refund policy) and grades (see grading policy) for all withdrawn courses are based on the date the withdrawal request form is submitted or the date the student provides official notification to the Registrar’s Office of intent to withdraw from a session. Students who are unable to officially withdraw due to military deployments, hospitalization, or other extenuating circumstances must submit supporting documentation to academiccompliance@park.edu, preferably at the time of the withdrawal request but no later than five business days following submission of the request. Exceptions to the grading and/or refund policies are granted at the sole discretion of the University.

Administrative Withdrawals

Administrative withdrawals are initiated by Park University for reasons such as non-attendance, non-payment, academic suspension, or misconduct. Park University reserves the right to administratively withdraw a student from class(es) for failure to meet financial obligations or failure to participate in an academically related activity in a class during the first two weeks of the session. If a student does not initiate the academic withdrawal process and has not participated in an academically-related activity in the class during the first two weeks, the University will initiate an administrative withdrawal from the respective course(s) with no record on the transcript.

Unofficial Withdrawals

Unofficial withdrawals occur when students cease to attend class(es) but do not officially withdraw. Refer to the Unofficial Withdrawal  section for information about how unofficial withdrawals affect financial aid.

Applying for Graduation

An Application for Diploma is required before a student is allowed to participate in commencement and/or prior to a diploma being provided to the student. Applications may be acquired online through MyPark. Students must submit the completed form with the appropriate fees. Students may contact their advisors if assistance is needed.

Deadline for Application

The deadline for application is two terms prior to expected graduation.

**Campus centers offering 8-week programs hold commencement at various times. Students should contact his/her campus center to verify dates of commencement and the number of guests eligible to attend.

Once the application is filed, the Registrar’s Office will perform a degree check of the student’s coursework. All email communications will go to the student’s Park University email.

In order for a student to participate in a commencement ceremony, the student must be within 12 credit hours of meeting graduation requirements. If there are special circumstances the student may petition the Registrar’s Office. The student must have an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to participate in the ceremony. In the Kansas City Area, students who complete their degree requirements in the summer are eligible to participate in the following December or May commencement.

Any outstanding official transcripts or exams (CLEP, DSST, etc) verifying credit which are necessary for graduation must be received at the Registrar’s Office the term prior to the commencement in order for a candidate to participate in that commencement.

Participation in a ceremony does not indicate graduation completion. All university requirements must be met to receive a diploma.

Graduation Honors

Eligibility for graduation honors shall be based upon the following criteria:

  1. For the bachelor’s degree level:
    30 or more earned hours from Park University
    The cumulative Park University grade point earned as follows:
    Cum Laude 3.5 to 3.699
    Magna Cum Laude 3.7 to 3.899
    Summa Cum Laude 3.9 to 4.0
  2. Graduation Honors are not retroactive for those students receiving changes of grades or Incompletes. 


Students are expected to attend all classes, laboratories, and field work for which they are enrolled, and complete all work assigned by the instructor. Refer to the Tuition, Fees, Grants, Scholarships and Financial Aid  section of the catalog for the Student Attendance Policy for Financial Aid.

Basic Skills

These courses are designed for those students who need to review the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics and are considered developmental courses. In addition, courses to develop skills for college success, keyboarding (computer) and career development are offered. Credit for those courses do not count toward the total semester hours needed to graduate, nor does it count towards the Dean’s List. The grade, however, does count in the cumulative grade point average. These courses are not intended for transfer but are available to enhance the student’s success in his/her pursuit of a university degree.

Cancellation of Classes

Any course may be cancelled at the discretion of the Provost or Campus Center Director in conjunction with the Dean. When a class is cancelled, students are notified so they may make necessary adjustments.

Class Divisions

Class division is determined by the number of accumulated hours as follows:

Freshman 0 - 27
Sophomore 28 - 57
Junior 58 - 87
Senior 88 - ∞

Copyright Policy — Classroom

It is the intention of Park University to comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 and all related legislative acts (the TEACH Act). The material(s) in any Park University classroom is/are only for the use of students enrolled in that course for purpose(s) associated with the course and may not be retained and/or further disseminated.

The use of material(s) is limited to personal study and research related to the completion of the course. Material(s) found in the classroom may not be reproduced in multiple copies and/or for further distribution without the permission of the course instructor unless otherwise noted. Enrolled students in the course may display the material(s) on their computer screen and/or equivalent device(s) or make a single printed copy for the sole purpose of personal reference.

Students may not make multiple copies of any material for redistribution, redistribute the material(s) by electronic means to any other person(s) or machine(s); modify or create derivatives of the material(s); reproduce, display, distribute, or modify the material(s) for commercial purpose(s) or for financial gain. The list of prohibited use(s) is not meant to be exhaustive.

For permission to copy, distribute, and/or reproduce material(s) in excess of the above guidelines and/or to publicly display and/or modify material(s), please contact the course instructor.

Course Repeats

When a Park University course is repeated, both the granting of credit and computation of the cumulative GPA will be based upon the second attempt. Title IV aid availability is dictated by the federal repeated coursework policy. The policy may be found on the Student Financial Services page at www.park.edu/student-financial-services.

Criteria for Dean’s List and Presidential Scholar’s List

Dean’s List

A student’s name is placed on the Dean’s List when the following conditions are met:

  1. Twelve or more graded undergraduate hours at Park University are completed in any combination of fall terms for the fall Dean’s List and any combination of spring terms for the spring Dean’s List. (Basic Skills courses are excluded from the calculation.)
  2. Must be a certificate or degree seeking student at Park University.
  3. Must have earned a grade point average of 3.600 or better in any combination of fall terms for the fall Dean’s List and any combination of spring terms for the spring Dean’s List.
  4. Must have received no Incomplete grades in any combination of all terms for the fall Dean’s List and any combination of spring terms for the spring Dean’s List.

A student’s name may be removed from the Dean’s List for violations of the Student Conduct Code. Dean’s List is not retroactive for those students receiving changes of grades or changes of Incompletes.

Presidential Scholars (Parkville Daytime Campus Center Program)

A student’s name is placed on the Presidential Scholar’s List when the following conditions are met:

  1. Student is enrolled at the Parkville Daytime Campus Center.
  2. Student has earned 30 or more graded hours at Park University.
  3. Student was enrolled for 12 or more hours for the semester.
  4. Student must be degree seeking at Park University.
  5. Student has a cumulative grade point average of 3.9 or better.
  6. Student has received no Incomplete grades for the semester.

Missed Final Exams

Only extraordinary circumstances warrant a student being allowed to make up a missed final examination. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the faculty member before the scheduled exam to request permission to take a makeup exam. In the process of determining whether a makeup exam should be allowed, the burden of proof is on the student. The faculty member has the right to request verification of any excuse offered by the student.

A student who is denied permission to take a makeup exam may appeal immediately to the Associate Dean/Dean of the School in which the course is offered or Campus Center Director. The appeal must be made in writing by the end of the first working day after the day of the denial. The appeal will be forwarded immediately to the Provost or designee whose decision will be final.

Full-time Status, Overload Approvals, and Online and Summer Courses

Full-time Status and Overload

Full-time class load is twelve (12) credit hours per 16 week semester. Students can take a combination of both sixteen and eight week courses to establish their enrollment status. A student may enroll in no more than nine (9) hours per 8-week term without written prior approval from his/her Associate Dean or Dean/ (18) credit hours per 16 week semester without prior written approval from his/her Associate Dean or Dean.* The student shall have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher for consideration of an overload.

A full-time load for summer is 12 hours.

Definition of Credit Hours

All courses are valued in semester hours. Fifty minutes of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours out-of-class student work each week for 15 weeks, plus 50 minutes reserved for a final exam, for one semester hour of credit.

One hundred minutes per week of classroom or direct faculty instruction and 240 minutes out-of-class student work each week for 8 weeks, for one hour of credit.

Courses scheduled for a different number of weeks and other academic activities such as laboratory work, internships, practica, and studio work, have an equivalent number of hours as reflected in the combination of direct faculty instruction and out of class student work for the same amount of credit as listed above.

For online and blended courses, active student engagement with other students, the instructor and/or online course content, combine to form the equivalent amount of time (100 minutes per week), while other out of class student work, which is designed to achieve course learning outcomes, makes up the approximately 240 minutes of such work for each one hour of credit.

Blended Courses

Some blended courses may be offered as “Pirate Patch” courses in which the face-to-face portion of the blended course is facilitated by an instructor who engages face-to-face with students at a host site, and via synchronous web conference with students at a remote site. For students participating at the remote site, the class is considered distance learning. Students at remote sites should contact their Campus Center Director to determine if the “Pirate Patch” course will meet the in-residence requirements for VA benefits.

These courses will be identified as blended courses and Pirate Patch courses in the class schedule so that students will be aware of the delivery format; student participation in both components of the course is required. All courses offered are defined in the Park University Undergraduate catalog, and there is no indicator on the transcript as to the  delivery method or location of the course delivered. A student in good academic standing may take up to nine (9) credit hours per term in face-to-face, online, or blended classes without obtaining approval for an overload. All Park University courses count toward residency and contain the same content rigor no matter the instructional format.

All Park University blended classes require weekly contact with the instructor.

Online Courses

Courses offered online are from the current Park University catalog and are taught in an eight-week format, five (5) terms per year. Students may register for online courses any term during their Park University career. The courses offered will supplement the traditional classroom or complete a degree online. Up to nine (9) credit hours per term may be taken online without getting prior written approval for an overload; international nonimmigrant students may not enroll in more than three (3) online credit hours per 16-week semester. All Park University online courses will count toward residency. Park University prides itself on the quality of its courses in all modes of instruction.

During the term, online classroom contact with the instructor must be made on a weekly basis for assignments and online interaction within the Learning Management System (LMS). Syllabi for online courses are available online according to University-wide assessment procedures. Online courses contain the same core assessment and learning outcomes as Parkville campus courses. Students will find instructor contact information in the course syllabus.

The student must have his/her own access to the Internet. Additional information about online courses may be obtained from the Park Campus Centers and Online Learning section of the University website - www.park.edu/admissions.

Summer Courses

The Parkville Daytime Campus Center offers a variety of on-campus programs during the summer semester/terms. The Parkville Daytime Campus Center program, offers two, four and eight week sessions. Full-time class load is twelve (12) credit hours. These programs provide an opportunity for students to accumulate a maximum of fifteen credit hours over the entire summer program, provided a student meets the course overload requirements. Additionally, these summer programs are available to those students from other colleges or universities who are home on vacation and wish to accumulate additional credits during vacation time. For additional information concerning summer programs, please visit www.park.edu/enroll.

Remote Proctoring

Park University has instituted remote virtual proctoring of the final exam for online students only in certain classes (not all Park online courses require proctoring – check the course’s syllabus for requirements). Final exams in these designated courses (see: https://pdl.park.edu/proctor/) are taken online under the virtual supervision of the ProctorU during a specific window of time set in the course modules. Students will need both to register with ProctorU and to schedule each exam with ProctorU at least 72 hours ahead of time.

ProctorU creates an academic record for each test-taker that is handled with the strictest adherence to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (see: http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html) guidelines. All of ProctorU proctors are required to complete FERPA training and ProctorU was successfully audited for FERPA compliance by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) (see: http://www.aacrao.org).

Park University policies related to remote virtual proctoring are publicly viewable here: Park Distance Learning – Academic Policies – Park University Online Proctoring Policy Page. http//www.park.edu/park-distance-learning/academic-policies.html

Enrollment Adjustment Period

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete the necessary procedures for making course schedule changes such as adding, dropping, exchanging, or withdrawing from courses. Adding, dropping, exchanging or withdrawing from courses may affect financial aid previously awarded. Online (i.e. self ) registration for the semester/term will close one (1) week before classes begin, on the Monday before the beginning of the semester/term. This helps prevent situations where students must be dropped from classes for non-payment. In the event that University holidays/closings impact this deadline, online registration will close the next business day.

The first eight calendar days of a session constitutes the Enrollment Adjustment Period. Students are entitled to 100% refund of tuition and fees during the enrollment adjustment period. Within this time, the student will be permitted to evenly exchange class(es) during the first four calendar days. The final day to add or exchange a course (face-to-face or online) will be the fourth (4) day of a session. The last day to drop a course will be the eighth (8) day of a session, except for two week classes. If a student drops a course within the 8 day enrollment adjustment period, the course will not appear on their transcript. The drop date for non-payment of late registrants will be the eighth (8) day of the session. Night classes or other single day classes may be added up to 1 day prior to the first class. For any adjustment other than even exchange, the student will be responsible for charges associated with the Enrollment Adjustment as detailed in the Refund Policy section. Adding or dropping class(es) must be arranged by the student with their success coach, faculty advisor, or by sending an email to advising@park.edu via their Park email account.

Grading Policy

A - Excellent 4 grade points
HA - Honors Excellent 5 grade points
B - Good 3 grade points
HB - Honors Good 4 grade points
C - Average 2 grade points
HC - Honors Average 3 grade points
D - Poor 1 grade points
HF - Honors Failure 0 grade points
F - Failure 0 grade points
Cr - Passing A mark used when students “test out” of the class
W - Withdrawal Withdrawal without assessment of performance-issued between the last date to officially enroll and a date not later than the 10th week of the semester or 5th week of a term. Not available for two week sessions. No later than the third week of a four week session. The “W” is a student-initiated withdrawal.
WF - Withdrawal Withdrawal issued after the 10th week of a 16-week semester, 5th week of an 8-week term or 3rd week of a four-week summer session. Not available for two-week sessions. The “WF” may be student-initiated or instructor-initiated and will receive the same grade points as an “F”. Instructors will initiate a “WF” when a student does not officially withdraw from the course but failed to participate in course activities through the end of the period. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible.
Au - Audit Audit
P - Pass Pass
NR - Not Reported  

A grade of “Cr,” “Au,” or “P” will not affect a student’s grade point average; however, it may impact financial aid eligibility.

Grade Change Policy

No grade changes shall be granted more than one calendar year from the original grade submission deadline. Any change of grade, prior to the deadline, will be initiated by the  faculty member only who assigned the grade. All requests must be adequately documented.

A grade may be changed, prior to the deadline, for the purpose of correcting clerical or administrative error, or to correct an error in the calculation or recording of a grade. A change of grade will not occur as a result of additional work performed or re-examination beyond the established course requirements.


The notation “I” may be issued only upon written completion of a “Contract for Incomplete” signed by the student and the instructor and placed on the transcripts by the Registrar’s Office; it is the responsibility of the course instructor to submit the Contract for Incomplete before the Tuesday after the end of the term. An Incomplete is issued at the discretion of the instructor and may not be issued to a student who has unexcused absences recorded for the course. An “I” indicates that the coursework was not completed in the time allotted in the semester/term through no fault of the student as determined by the instructor. If a student cites a medical or a disability reason for being unable to complete the coursework, the instructor will contact Disability Services for confirmation. An Incomplete cannot be granted as a disability accommodation unless approved by Disability Services. Under the Contract for Incomplete, the instructor works independently with the student to determine new deadlines for the material, as well as any additional assignments that the student will need to complete. Final assessment of the grade is postponed to no later than the last day of the semester/term immediately following the semester/term in which the “I” was received, unless an earlier deadline was established by the instructor. Failure on the part of the student to complete the work will result in a grade of “F”.

NOTE: Taking an “I” (Incomplete) may suspend the student from financial aid.

Independent Study

Independent Study is a means by which a degree-seeking student may complete a course. The requested courses must be out-of-class academic work which cannot be met through the existing curriculum, for which a course number and supervision are available, or a catalog course not scheduled for an academic year.

The application must have attached a detailed proposal to include title, resources to be used, course objectives, content and evaluation aspects of the study. Applications must be signed by the student, the instructor, Department Chair, and Associate Dean or Dean. The application must be filed in the Registrar’s Office prior to the last day of the enrollment adjustment period.

The student and the faculty member may interact face-to-face, in an online classroom, via email or through a combination of these methods to complete academic activity.

Leave of Absence/Emergency Leave Procedures

A student may request a Leave of Absence from all courses if s/he needs to be absent for more than two consecutive weeks of class(es). The formal institutional guidelines for this procedure are:

  1. Students must request the leave of absence in writing, signed and dated, prior to the leave of absence unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. If that is the case, the circumstances must be documented.
  2. Documentation supporting the request should be submitted concurrently with the request.
  3. The written request and documentation should be sent to the Registrar’s Office and to the appropriate Campus Center Director or Department Chair.
  4. All faculty members concerned will be provided the requested materials for review. This is necessary so that potential problems associated with grading or required assignments can be handled. The faculty member may make arrangements to allow the student to complete the coursework that s/he began prior to the leave of absence. The student cannot begin a new semester/term without having completed all conditions of the previously approved leave of absence.
  5. Faculty members will respond, in writing, to the Registrar’s Office and Campus Center Director or Department Chair, concerning their agreement or disagreement to the terms of the leave of absence.
  6. The student and faculty must agree, in writing, on the nature of the coursework that must be completed in order to successfully receive credit for the class.
  7. The appropriate Associate Dean or Regional Director will be provided all materials pertaining to the leave of absence in order to provide the final approval.
  8. If all parties agree to the terms of the leave, the leave may be granted. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return to school. If there is not a reasonable expectation, the Dean of Students Office can provide assistance.
  9. The approved leave request and all supporting documentation will be forwarded to the following individuals as appropriate for the students:
    • Provost or designee
    • Controller
    • Faculty
    • Dean of Students
    • Campus Center Director
    • Student Financial Services
    • Associate Dean
    • Registrar
    • Regional Director
    • College Dean
  10. If the student wants to appeal the final decision or has concerns regarding the final decision, the student should contact the Dean of Students.
  11. A student may be granted no more than one leave of absence in any 12-month period and it may not exceed 180 days. The institution will not place additional charges on the student’s account for completion of the course work upon return from the leave of absence. An approved leave of absence will not affect a student’s in-school status for the purposes of deferring Federal loans.
  12. A student may be granted no more than one leave of absence in any 12-month period and it may not exceed 180 days. The institution will not place additional charges on the student’s account for completion of the course work upon return from the leave of absence. An approved leave of absence will not affect a student’s in-school status for the purposes of deferring Federal loans. An enrolled student may elect to take a leave of absence for up to one academic year because of pregnancy and/or disability; the birth, adoption, or placement of a child; and/or to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition. Park may extend the leave term in the case of extenuating circumstances or if medically necessary due to the health of the student.
  13. If a student does not return from an approved leave of absence, the student’s withdrawal date and the beginning of the student’s grace period for federal loans will be the date the student began the leave of absence. This may exhaust some or all of the student’s grace period for federal loans, putting the student into repayment status.

In order to totally withdraw: Students must complete the Request for Session/University Withdrawal form in the MyPark portal under My Student Academic Tools>Academic Information>Request for Session/University Withdrawal Form or contact the Registrar’s Office (3rd floor Mackay; academiccompliance@park.edu; 816-584-6270). Please see the Session/University Withdrawal section for more information. 

Major/Degree Declaration

Major Declaration

A major must be declared prior to accumulating 60 hours of work. For transfer students with more than 60 hours, majors must be declared at the time of admission or during the first enrolled semester/term thereafter.

Dual Degrees

Students may pursue dual degrees if such degrees are approved and readily available at the student’s campus center of record; the dual degree refers to the student’s concurrent enrollment in two separate degree programs, i.e. the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Social Work.

Double Majors

A student may declare a double major by submitting a Declaration of Major form or an Application for Admission and Evaluation; declaring a double major will update the student’s entire degree audit to the current catalog in effect.

Note for veteran benefits recipients: Dual Objective programs, requiring more hours than a standard degree, which are reasonably related to a single career field, may be pursued by veterans. The student shall file a statement pertaining to his/her ‘career field of pursuit’ showing the relatedness of the objectives that is approved by school officials. The programs of pursuit must be approved by the State Approving Agency of jurisdiction in which the campus presides. Contact your Veterans Affairs representative on campus for more information.

Requirements for Double Major:


  1. Minimum of 15 residency hours - Associate of Arts/Sciences. At least nine of these credits must be in the major core.
  2. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  3. Core requirements fulfilled for each major.
  4. Requirements outside major division fulfilled.
  5. A minimum of 60 semester hours accumulated.


  1. Minimum of 30 residency hours.
  2. At least 15 of these 30 hours must be in the major core.
  3. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  4. Core requirements fulfilled for each major.
  5. Complete liberal education course distribution.
  6. A minimum of 120 (B.S., B.S.E., B.M., B.P.A, B.S.N. - RN to BSN), 122 (B.A., B.F.A., B.S.W.), or 126 (B.S.N. - Prelicensure) semester hours accumulated.

When all core courses for both majors and the liberal education requirements are completed, one diploma listing both majors will be issued.

When adding a major after the initial evaluation, the student’s entire degree program will move to the new catalog, including the previously declared major, any minors, and the liberal education requirements. The previously accepted transfer credit will remain transcripted; however, the application of credit may change.

Second Degree

When adding or changing a major, minor, or certificate through the Declaration of Major Form, the student’s entire degree audit, including the original major, will update to the current Catalog in effect. A student who has completed a bachelor’s degree at Park University can choose to be evaluated as a degree-seeking student for a second bachelor’s degree.

  1. The accepted credit listed on the student’s transcript remains the same, but the accepted credit will be applied toward the second degree according to the catalog at the time the student re-enrolls.
  2. A second degree audit is generated. Students who have previously earned a Park University degree must complete an additional 30 hours of residency hours.
  3. Students entering Park University with a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university are required to meet the residency, major and/or certification requirements.

Transfer Credit Policy

Park University will accept transfer credit from regionally accredited institutions. The transferability of credits earned at Park University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Park University will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Park University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Park University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned. A minimum of 60 hours will be accepted for an Associates degree (excluding AAS). A maximum of 75 hours from all two-year schools will be applied.

If a student presents documentation of a bachelor’s degree prior to the end of the first term of enrollment, the block method is used in evaluating. If a student presents documentation of an A.A. degree prior to the end of the first term of enrollment, the block method is used in evaluating the liberal education component of transferring credit for students with a 2.0 cumulative GPA and with a “C” or better in each course used to meet the 43-hour Liberal Education requirement at Park University. No transfer course with a USA grade equivalent less than “C” will be used to meet any Park University course requirement. This applies only to students transferring to Park University with a transferable and non-terminal A.A. degree.

A student presenting documentation of an A.S. or A.A.S. degree will be required to meet Park’s general education requirements. The courses from the A.S. or A.A.S. will transfer individually and will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. No course with less than a USA grade equivalent “C” will be applied.

Credit from formal military service schools is awarded based on the recommendations of the American Council on Educations’ guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Credit will be awarded where it is applicable to the student’s degree program and in keeping with the basic educational philosophy of Park University.

Grade points are not included in the cumulative grade point average.

Prior Learning Assessment

Park University provides opportunity to accepted degree-seeking students to have their prior learning assessed for transfer into Park degree programs from a variety of methods. (For more information about the evaluation and transfer of credit from foreign transcripts, please refer to Foreign Transcripts Evaluation.) Credit may be granted from the following sources:

  1. Transfer college credit from regionally accredited institutions
  2. Credit from military training/education
  3. American Council on Education
  4. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  5. Prometric DSST exam
  6. Validated Learning Equivalency (VLE) – credit for validated learning
  7. Advanced Placement (AP)
  8. End-of-Course Examination
  9. The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
  10. Registered Nurse’s License
  11. Dual-Credit Courses

Coursework that is vocational in nature will not be accepted. Refer to MyPark for more information.

Students can request an evaluation by declaring a major at the time of application or by completing a declaration of major form.

  1. Transfer college credit from a regionally accredited institution.
    Official transcripts from previous colleges and universities (including Community College of the Air Force)
  2. Credit from military training/education.
    Current and former members of the Air Force are required to submit Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts, if applicable. Members of other branches are required to submit an official Joint Services Transcript (JST). Service members and veterans may submit a DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release of Discharge from Active duty).
    Park University awards four credits of physical education for satisfactory completion of basic training. Other military training and experience are evaluated based on ACE credit recommendations.
  3. American Council on Education
    The American Council on Education (ACE) provides college credit recommendation for formal courses and examinations taken outside traditional degree programs. ACE conducts formal reviews through their College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT). Documentation of successful completion of courses or exams is required. Documentation can be an original certificate of completion or a transcript from ACE.
  4. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
    Credit hours can be earned by satisfactory completion (see chart below) of a battery of examinations under the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). See the Academic Support Center (the Norrington Center) or Testing Center (Mabee 231) or your Campus Center Director for detailed information concerning CLEP examinations.

If CLEP exams were taken prior to coming to Park University, a student must submit an official copy of the scores to the Registrar’s Office for possible credit awards.

No credit is awarded for separate subtest scores.

A maximum of 27 credit hours may be accepted towards a Bachelor degree for satisfactory completion of the CLEP General Examinations as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).

General Examinations
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  Minimum Score Accepted Maximum Credit
HUMANITIES 50 3 Credits
MATHEMATICS 50 6 Credits

Credit is awarded for satisfactory completion of the CLEP/DSST/USAFI/Excelsior College Subject Examinations based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE). Credit can be applied to major core requirements.

  • A maximum of 30 credit hours from the Subject Examinations will be accepted toward a bachelor’s degree.
  • A maximum of 57 credit hours from the General and Subject Examinations combined will be accepted toward a bachelor’s degree.
  • A maximum of 30 credit hours from the General and Subject Examinations combined will be accepted toward an associate’s degree.

NOTE: Where duplication among college courses, credit for prior learning and tests exists, credit will be allowed for only one. Credits awarded from CLEP General Examinations and CLEP/USAFI/DSST/ Excelsior College Subject Examinations will not be substituted at a later date.

  1. DSST (Formerly known as the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests).
    Credit hours can be earned by satisfactory completion of a battery of examinations from the DSST administered by Park University or the local testing center. Detailed information concerning DSST examination is available at the Testing Center (Mabee 231) or Student Success Advisor. If DSST exams were taken prior to coming to Park University, a student must submit an official copy of the scores to the Registrar’s Office for possible credit awards.
  2. Validated Learning Equivalency (VLE) - credit for validated learning.
    Equivalency credit may be awarded for educational experiences based on documentation submitted by the student and with the recommendation of the appropriate Program Coordinator. VLE applications may take up to six months to be processed; the determination of credit will be sent directly to the student’s Park email account. Rules governing VLE are:
    • Application must be filed prior to taking the final 15 semester hours preceding intended graduation at Park University.
    • Petitions may be submitted no more than once per course.
    • Credit shall be awarded on a course equivalency basis based on courses commonly offered by accredited colleges and universities;
    • A maximum of 24 credit hours may be petitioned for and awarded.
  3. Advanced Placement (AP)
    Park University will grant credit for advanced placement to high school graduates who have proven competence by their score in the Advanced Placement Tests administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. The awarding of credit, the number of credit hours awarded, and the scores required for the awarding of credit are determined by the appropriate academic discipline.
  4. End-of-Course Examination.
    Upon processing an application through the Registrar’s Offfice, and for a fee, a student may receive credit for designated, departmentally-approved courses by satisfactorily completing an end-of-course examination. Additional software charges may apply for certain examinations. Contact your advisor, Department Chair, or School/College Dean for more information.
  5. The International Baccalaureate Diploma.
    Park University recognizes the International Baccalaureate Diploma for admission. Furthermore, Park University will grant course credit and advanced placement to students who have passed both the standard and the higher level subject examinations at a satisfactory standard.
                        HOURS PER COURSE  
    Standard Levels 6-7 3-4 Credit Hours
    Higher Levels 4-5 3-4 Credit Hours  
      6-7 6-8 Credit Hours  
  6. Registered Nurse’s License.
    A maximum of 60 credit hours is awarded for a Registered Nurse’s license upon receipt of official transcripts and registered nurse licensure verification from Nursys.
  7. Dual-Credit Courses.
    Dual-credit courses completed during high school are identified on the transcript of the higher education institution through which the courses were taken. The Registrar’s Office treats dual-credit courses in the same manner and by the same standards as all transfer credit when determining whether such credit satisfies graduation, degree, or elective credit.

Park University establishes dual-credit programs with high schools in the Kansas City, Missouri, area. All Park University dual-credit programs are managed jointly by the Registrar’s Office, in collaboration with the academic departments offering the credit, to ensure the rigor of the coursework.

Foreign Transcripts Evaluation

To receive official transfer credit at Park University, all students requesting transfer credit from foreign institution must include an official Detail Report with Course Level Identification report completed by International Education Research Foundation (IERF). For more information on IERF, please visit www.ierf.org.

Those that wish to complete a foreign credit evaluation by IERF must select Park University as a recipient of the report. The completed report will be transmitted electronically to Park University and applicants will receive a copy in the mail.

Students are responsible for supplying the official foreign transcript(s) in a timely manner to the appropriate Park University office, and will bear sole responsibility for enrolling in “duplicate” classes that otherwise would have been credited to the student as transferable from previous courses taken when the official evaluation was completed.

Transferability of Park University Credit

Park University is a regionally accredited higher education institution. Recognition of Park University as an accredited higher education institution means that the accrediting association recommends that Park University transcripts be evaluated on the same basis as those of other accredited colleges and universities. Students should, however, consult the Office of Admissions, Registrar or department chairperson at the institution to which they wish to transfer in order to determine which credits will transfer to fulfill requirements at that institution.