Requirements For: A.A. Major – 27 hours, 2.0 GPA
Liberal Education Requirements 40 CR.
Math Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: MA120 , MA135 , or higher math course excluding MA208 Science with a Lab Requirement 4 cr.
Select one of the following: BI101 , BI111 , BI211 , BI212 , BI223 , BIO221 , BIO225 , BIO325 , BIO327 , BIO330 , BIO337L , BIO337 , BIO350 , BIO410 , BIO411 , BIO417 , CH101 , CH105 , CH107L , CH107 , CH108L , CH108 , CH317L , CH317 , CH318L , CH318 , CH328 , CH329 , CH337L , CH337 , CH440 , GGP115 , GGP205 , GO130 , GO141 , GO151 , GO200 , GO310 , GO320 , PY155 , PY156 , PY205 , PY206 Ethics Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: AC435 ,CA302 , CS300 , EDU310 , MG495 , NS306 , PA380 , PH 103 , PH 221 , PH 224 , PH 308 , PS220 , SO220 , SW492 Humanities Requirement 6 cr.
Select one of the following Art or English: AR115 , AR215 , AR216 , EN201 , EN221 , EN232 , EN234 And one of the following: AR115 , AR215 , AR216 , EN201 , EN221 , EN232 , EN234 , CA104 , CA116 , CA235 , ML235 , ML251 , PH101 , PH205 , PC202 , RE109 , SP110 , SP201 , SP202 , TH100 , TH101 Natural Science Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the following: BI214 , CH101 , CH102 , CH105 , CH107 , CH107L , CH108 , CH108L , GGP115 , GGP120 , GGP205 , GO125 , GO130 , GO141 , GO151 , GO200 , NS220 , PY101 , PY155 , PY156 , PY205 , PY206 Social Science Requirement 6 cr.
Select two of the following: AN100 , CJ100 , CJ200 , EC141 , EC142 , EDU210 , FI201 , GGH110 , GGH200 , HIS104 , HIS105 , PO216 , PS101 , PS125 , SO141 , SO206 , SW205 Seminar; Integrative & Interdisciplinary Learning Requirement 3 cr.
Select one of the topics for LE300* Graduation Requirements
Park University confers the Associates of Arts and Associate of Science degrees at selected locations when a candidate has satisfied the following conditions: - FYE100 First-Year Seminar - 3 Credit hours (required for all incoming first-time freshmen and highly encouraged for transfer students)
- Presentation of a minimum of sixty (60) earned credit hours.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.0 for Park University courses. (Some majors may require a higher cumulative GPA.)
- Satisfaction of all requirements for a major as outlined in this catalog.
- Completion of degree specific requirements.
- Completion of Liberal Education requirements.
- Completion of 15 earned (A, B, C, D) Park University credit hours in residence. At least nine of these credits must be in the major.
- Submission of an Application of Graduation.