2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Equal Opportunity


Non-Discrimination Policy

Park University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion and age in employment, and in its admission, education, programs and activities of students under state and federal law, including Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Title IX specifically prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex. Park University will not tolerate sex discrimination or harassment of applicants, students or employees, whether by students, faculty, staff, administrators, contractors or outside vendors. Park University recognizes not only its legal responsibilities, but also its moral and ethical responsibilities to prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex and to take appropriate and timely action to ensure an environment free of such inappropriate conduct and behavior. Additionally, Park University will not tolerate retaliation in any form against an applicant, student or employee for reporting a violation of this policy or assisting in the investigation of a complaint. Inquiries or concerns about the Non-Discrimination Policy may be directed to the dean of student life or the Office of Human Resource Services, Park University, 8700 NW River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152, or call (816) 741-2000.

Park University Notification and Documentation Policy for Special Assistance under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Park University is committed to meeting the needs of all students who qualify for special assistance. It is the University’s policy to comply fully with federal and state laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, regarding students with disabilities. To the extent of any inconsistency between these guidelines and federal and/or state law, the provisions of the law will apply.

Permanent Disability Guidelines

  • Notification of Disability — Students must submit notification of disability at least six weeks prior to the beginning of classes in the academic term the student wishes to attend. This will allow time to make all necessary arrangements prior to the initial class meeting. Documentation should be submitted to the director of academic support services, CMB 46, or fax (816) 505-5445. Documentation will be retained in the student’s electronic file.
  • Learning Disabilities — In order to receive special accommodations for learning disabilities, students must provide supporting diagnostic test results from a licensed psychologist or a certified specialist in learning disabilities. This evaluation must detail the student’s specific learning disability or disabilities. The accommodations request should be detailed. This information should be as current as possible, preferably not more than three years old. Park University will evaluate, but may reject, documentation more than three years old.
  • Physical Disabilities — Students must provide documentation from a physician that specifies the nature of the disability or disabilities. The documentation should include prescriptive information from a qualified specialist as to the exact nature of all accommodations necessary to meet the needs of the student. This information should be as current as possible. Park University reserves the right to request updated verification of disability and necessary accommodations.
  • Psychiatric Disabilities — Students should provide documentation from a licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat psychological/psychiatric disorders. The documentation should include a diagnosis, date of diagnosis, date of the diagnostician’s last contact with the student, and a summary of the present symptoms and a prognosis. Documentation should describe how the psychiatric condition functionally interferes with, or impacts the student’s ability to participate in an educational setting and give suggestions of academic accommodations that might be appropriate in an educational setting, supported by a disability-related rationale.
  • Auxiliary Aids — Appropriate aids will be selected only after consultation with the student who will use them.

Temporary Disability Guidelines

In the case of temporary disabilities, every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations for the duration of any disability. To insure prompt and appropriate action, the assistant director of academic support services should be notified immediately of the arrangements believed to be necessary to accommodate a given temporary disability. Full information concerning Park University’s policies and procedures related to disability services can be found at www.park.edu/disability.

Student Records and FERPA

Park University informs students of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This act, with which the institution intends to fully comply, was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Officer concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.

FERPA permits the University to limit the disclosure of directory information to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both. In the exercise of that authority, the University may release all directory information to members of the University family, defined as administrators, faculty, employees and directors. Other releases will be limited to those situations in which the University, in its discretion, believes the release would recognize a student for academic or extracurricular achievement or otherwise advance the student’s career interests or when the University believes the release would serve to advance the interests and image of the University.

Park University’s local policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Copies of the policy may be found in the Office of the Registrar or as outlined here.

  1. Policy Intent
    1. The Park University student record policy is intended to conform with all state and federal statutes dealing with access to information held by an educational institution on present and former students.
    2. The Park University student record policy is formulated to protect the privacy of the student information that is maintained and yet provide access to student records for those having a legitimate purpose to view such records. Regulations and procedures to ensure adequate protection of the student are provided in this policy.
    3. “Records” refers to those files and their contents that are maintained by official units of the University. Generally, students have the right to review any official record that the University maintains on them. Access to records by others, without student permission, is limited to purposes of an educational nature. When access is permitted, documents will be examined only under conditions that will prevent unauthorized removal, alteration, or mutilation. Information to which the student does not have access is limited to the following:
      1. Confidential letters of recommendation placed in the student’s files before January 1, 1975, and those letters for which students have signed a waiver of his/her right of access. Unless authorized by a University Administrator, access to student records, including access to all course materials, by faculty members is limited only to the faculty member actually teaching that course. Faculty members may not access course materials or other student records for courses they are not currently teaching without express authorization from a University administrator. Any unauthorized access to student records, including course materials, is a violation of this policy.
      2. Parent’s confidential financial statements.
      3. Personal files and records of members of faculty or administrative personnel, “which are in sole possession of the maker thereof and which are not accessible or revealed to any person except a substitute.”
      4. Records of the Office of Admissions concerning students admitted but not yet enrolled at the University. Medical/psychological records used in connection with treatment of the student. Such records are, however, reviewable by a physician or psychologist of the student’s choice.
    4. Only the following offices are authorized to release non-directory information: Registrar, Career Services, Counseling Services, Financial Aid, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Students, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services, Provost, and President.
  2. Access to Student Records by the Student
    1. Students have the right to inspect their records (as defined by A3 above) and are entitled to an explanation of any information therein.
    2. Documents submitted to the University by or for the student will not be returned to the student. Academic records received from other institutions will not be sent to third parties external to the University. Records should be requested by the student from the originating institution.
    3. Official records and transcripts of the University (signature and/or seal affixed) are mailed directly to other institutions or agencies the student requests. When circumstances warrant, official records may be given directly to the student at the discretion of the proper University official. In such cases, the record will be clear.