2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Conduct Code


As a student at Park University, you should be aware of the rights you have as a student and of the responsibilities associated with being a Park student. These policies apply to all Park University students, regardless of whether the student is taking classes online, at a campus center or on the Parkville Campus — all delivery modes and all locations. The Student Code of Conduct reflects the core values of the University, and is based on respect for self and others, and was developed to challenge students to embrace high ethical standards, and interact with other students, faculty and staff with integrity.

As a student, you have the right to an opportunity to learn in an environment that is free from discrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. It is the responsibility of all members of the Park University community — students, faculty and staff — to create and maintain an environment where all persons are treated with respect, dignity and fairness. Students have responsibility for assuming the consequences of their actions. Students are expected to accept their obligations to the entire Park community to honor and respect the value and integrity of each person, and to conduct themselves accordingly. In addition, students are responsible for making themselves aware of Park University policies and procedures, all of which are outlined in this Catalog and on the Park University website: www.park.edu/policies.

The mission of Park University is to transform lives through accessible, student-centered, quality higher education. In order to maintain an environment where this mission can be achieved effectively and equitably, Park University promotes civility, respect and integrity among all members of the community. Choosing to be a member of the Park University community obligates each member to follow these standards and ensures that a campus community of civility is maintained. In that light, the Student Code of Conduct will follow established processes for ensuring fundamental fairness and an educational experience that facilitates the development of the individual and/or group.

The primary intent of this Code is to set forth community standards necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning. Park University standards reflect higher expectations of behavior than may be prevalent outside the University community.

A suspicion of wrongdoing, based on probable cause, must exist before a student shall be subject to disciplinary review. Throughout the judicial procedures, staff will ensure that students receive adequate due process and make sure that their rights are protected.

  1. Acts of Dishonesty. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Academic Dishonesty. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty. Please note that Academic Honesty is a policy that is also enforced by the faculty member of the course. A detailed description is included under “Academic Honesty” in the Catalog and on the Park website.
    2. False Information. Furnishing false information to any University Official.
    3. Forgery. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Park University document, record, or instrument of identification.
  2. Sexual Misconduct. Includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, and domestic/dating violence as defined by the Park University Title IX policy.
  3. Retaliation. Any behavior, direct or indirect, perceived as an attempt to harass, intimidate, or improperly influence any individual associated with the student conduct process or any other University grievance or complaint process.
  4. Threatening, Abusive, or Harassing Behavior. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the physical health, mental health, or safety of any person. This includes bullying and cyberbullying behaviors that are not protected by freedom of expression.
  5. Disruption. Causing or attempting to cause disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities, including its public service functions.
  6. Theft. Attempted or actual theft of property belonging to Park University or a member of the Park University community, or other personal or public property.
  7. Damage and Destruction. Attempted or actual damage to property of Park University or a member of the Park University community, including vandalism.
  8. Lewd or Disorderly Conduct. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.
  9. Hazing. Any behavior which constitutes hazing, whether such behavior occurs on University Premises at University Activities or off campus.
  10. Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with directions of University Officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties including failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.
  11. Unauthorized Entry. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University Premises or unauthorized entry to or use of University Premises.
  12. Unauthorized Activities. Any activity that occurs on or off University Premises that could adversely affect the health, safety or security of a member of the Park University community.
  13. Controlled Substances. Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of Controlled Substances except as expressly permitted by law. Students with confirmed possession or use of controlled substances on University Premises or during any University Activity with no right to legally use such controlled substances may face immediate dismissal. (See Drugs and Alcohol Use policy.)
  14. Alcohol. Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, or public intoxication on University Premises or during any University Activity. (See Drugs and Alcohol Use policy.)
  15. Firearms/Weapons. All of the University Community are strictly prohibited from possessing, manufacturing, transferring, selling, storing, or using any Weapons on University Property and University Facilities and in vehicles, including inside of company-owned or personal vehicles, regardless of whether one possesses a valid Concealed Carry permit.
  16. Unauthorized Use of Electronics. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on Park University Premises or while conducting University business, without his/her prior knowledge, or without consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, or restroom, or using consensual photographs, videos, or audio in a manner not agreed to by all parties. (See Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.)
  17. Computer Theft and Abuse. Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources, including file-sharing and intellectual property. (See Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.)
  18. Abuse of Student Conduct System. Abuse of the Student Conduct System, including failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code.
  19. Residential Life Policy Violation of any published Resident Life and Education polices found at http://www.park.edu/residence-life-and-education.
  20. Policy Violation. Violation of any other published University policies or rules which appear in full in the Park University Catalog, and/or Park University website.
  21. Local, State and Federal Agencies. Park University will cooperate with local, state and federal criminal agencies, and may initiate criminal investigations into the conduct of Park University Students when deemed appropriate.

Interpretation and Revision

  1. Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Code shall be referred to the dean of student life or his/her designee for final determination.
  2. The Student Code shall be reviewed every three years under the direction of the dean of student life.

Filing a Complaint Regarding a Violation of the Student Code

Any member of the Park University community may file a complaint against a student for violations of the Student Code. A complaint shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Dean of Students. Any complaint should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place, preferably within one week of the incident. Forms for this purpose are available on the Park University website at www.park.edu/student-life.


The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Code:

  1. Warning — A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated Institutional regulations.
  2. Probation — A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to violate any Institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
  3. Loss of Privileges — Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
  4. Fines — Previously established and published fines may be imposed.
  5. Restitution — Compensation for loss, damage or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
  6. Discretionary Sanctions — Work assignments, essays, service to the University or other related discretionary assignments.
  7. Assessment – Student may be required to complete an alcohol or drug assessment (at their own expense).
  8. Interim Suspension — Interim suspension from the residence halls and/or other campus facilities or programs may be imposed to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the University community, to ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being, or if the student poses an on-going threat or disruption of, or interference with, the normal operations of the University. The interim suspension does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule, up to and through a Student Conduct Board Hearing, if required.
  9. Residence Hall Suspension — Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  10. Residence Hall Expulsion — Permanent separation of the student from the residence halls.
  11. University Suspension — Separation of the student from Park University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  12. University Expulsion — Permanent separation of the student from Park University.
  13. Revocation of Admission and/or Degree — Admission to or a degree awarded from Park University may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation or other violation of University standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.
  14. Withholding Degree — Park University may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in the Student Conduct Code, including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any.


  1. A decision reached or sanction imposed by the Student Conduct Officer that is academic in nature may be appealed by the accused student(s) or complainant(s) to the provost within five school days of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the provost and senior vice president or designee.
  2. A decision reached or sanction imposed by the Student Conduct Officer that is not academic in nature may be appealed by the accused student(s) or complainant(s) to the Dean of Students within five school days of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Dean of Students or designee.
  3. Except as required to explain the basis of new information, an appeal shall be limited to a review of the record of the Student Conduct Hearing and supporting documents for one or more of the following purposes:
    1. To determine whether the Student Conduct Hearing was conducted fairly in light of the charges and information presented, and in conformity with prescribed procedures giving the complaining party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present information that the Student Code was violated, and giving the accused student a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to present a response to those allegations. Deviations from designated procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant prejudice results.
    2. To determine whether the decision reached regarding the accused student was based on substantial information, that is, whether there were facts in the case that, if believed by the fact-finder, were sufficient to establish that violation of the Student Code occurred.
    3. To determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Student Code which the student was found to have committed.
    4. To consider new information, sufficient to alter a decision or other relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing, because such information and/or facts were not known to the person appealing at the time of the original Student Conduct Hearing.
  4. If an appeal is not upheld, the matter shall be considered final and binding upon all involved. If an appeal is upheld by the Provost or Dean of Students, the appeal officer may take any of the following actions:
    1. Affirm the charge;
    2. Impose greater or lesser sanctions; or
    3. Order a new Student Conduct Hearing
  5. The actions of the appeal officer will be communicated to the student in writing and shall be considered final and binding.

Additional details on the appeals process and the Student Conduct code is available on the Park website at: www.park.edu/student-conduct-code.