2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 01, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Security

This report and the following security policies are being issued pursuant to the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act).

Annual Security Report

Park University is dedicated to providing faculty, staff and students with information that they need to help make each Park campus center safe.

Park University encourages the accurate and prompt reporting of crimes and emergencies. At the Parkville Campus, such incidents should be reported to the Park University Office of Campus Safety. This report can be filed in person at the office located in Thompson Commons or by phone at (816) 584-6444. At the Downtown Kansas City, Mo., Campus Center, reports should also be filed at the Security Department of Tower Properties, 911 Main (lower level), (816) 374-0617. All other Park University Campus Centers should report such incidents to the local policing authority with a follow-up report to the campus center director who shall forward these to the Park University Director of Campus Safety for reporting purposes.

Park University Campus Safety officers do not have arrest powers. Any crime or emergency that occurs off-campus, but at an officially recognized activity of Park University, shall be reported as if it happened on campus.

The possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on Park University campus centers is prohibited.

Student orientation videos and periodic bulletin listings and announcements help inform students, faculty and staff throughout the year about crime prevention and campus security procedures and policies.

Timely Warning Policy

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off any Park University campus that in the judgment of the Director of Campus Safety constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. This warning will be issued through the University e-mail system to students, faculty and staff, and through the Parkville Campus newspaper, The Stylus.

Depending on the particular circumstances of the crime, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the Office of Campus Safety may also post a notice on its website at www.park.edu/campus-safety, providing the University community with more immediate notification. In such instances, a copy of the notice will be posted in each residence hall. If the incident occurs on a campus other than the Parkville Campus, a notice shall be posted in plain view at that campus, in addition to the above listed locations.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning shall report the circumstances to the Office of Campus Safety at (816) 584-6444, or in person at the Campus Safety office in Thompson Commons on the Parkville Campus, or with the campus center director of your respective campus.

Policy for Reporting the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics

The Park University Office of Campus Safety prepares and publishes a report of certain crime statistics for the entire University, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act). The crime statistics for the past three years can be found on our website at www.park.edu/campus-safety. A more detailed report can be found on the U.S. Department of Education website at www.ope.ed.gov/security.

This report is prepared with local law enforcement agencies surrounding the Parkville Campus and all campus centers. Other select campus authorities also contribute to this report. Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include those reported to the Park University Office of Campus Safety, local law enforcement and designated campus officials, included but not limited to campus center directors, Office of Student Life staff, athletic coaches, residence hall staff, advisors to student organizations, and the director of human resource services.

Each year, an e-mail notification is made through the University e-mail system to all faculty, staff and students that provide web access to this report.

To Report a Crime

Crimes can be reported to Park University, in the following locations: Please note: The following is a list of offices where it is appropriate to file a report. There may actually be several individuals in that office who may be able to take such a report.

Director of Campus Safety (816) 584-6226 Thompson Commons, 1st Floor
Director of Student Life (816) 584-6465 Thompson Commons, 2nd Floor
Security Emergency (816) 283-9781 Commerce Tower, Lower Level

Confidential Reporting Procedures

If you are the victim of a crime and do not wish to pursue action through the University judicial system or the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report. With your permission, the director of campus safety can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. With such information, the University can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, faculty and staff, determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method or assailant, and can alert the campus community to potential danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the University.

Access Policy

During normal business hours, the University (excluding residence halls) will be open to students, faculty, staff, parents, contractors, vendors, guests and invitees. During nonbusiness hours, access to all University facilities is by key or swipe card, if issued, or by admittance via the Office of Campus Safety.

Residence halls are locked 24 hours a day and admittance is by swipe card. Some facilities on campus may have individual hours, which may vary at different times of the year. Examples are computer labs, the McAfee Memorial Library, meeting rooms, 24-hour study room. Thompson Commons on the Parkville Campus is open 24 hours a day.

Emergencies may necessitate changes or alterations to any posted schedule. Periodic security surveys are conducted on the Parkville Campus by the Office of Campus Safety and the Campus Safety Committee. These surveys examine security issues such as landscaping, locks, alarms, lighting and communications. The Campus Safety Committee meets once per month to discuss campus safety issues and to develop safety policy.

Access to other Park University campus centers is determined by the campus center director at that campus. Since most of the other campuses are on military installations, additional access may be determined by the installation authorities. Check with your campus center to ascertain its policy.

Campus Police Authority and Jurisdiction

The Park University Office of Campus Safety does not have arrest powers. However, they will respond to and investigate all reports of crime on campuses located in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

If minor offenses involving University rules and regulations are committed by a University student, the Office of Campus Safety may refer the individual to the disciplinary division of the Office of Student Life.

Misdemeanors and major offenses such as rape, murder, aggravated assault, robbery, arson and auto theft will be jointly investigated by the Office of Campus Safety and the Parkville (Mo.) Police Department or Platte County (Mo.) Sheriff, if they are committed on the Parkville Campus or at a Park University event in Platte County. If the crime occurs at the Downtown Kansas City Campus, the Office of Campus Safety will investigate the crime with the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department. If the crime occurs on the Independence Campus, the crime will jointly be investigated with the Independence (Mo.) Police Department. The prosecution of all crimes will be conducted either in the appropriate municipal court or in the county court in the county in which the offense occurred.

Crimes committed on other campuses will be investigated by the appropriate civilian or military law enforcement agency, with a report being filed with the Office of Campus Safety. Prosecution of those crimes will be conducted in the court having jurisdiction where the crime occurred.

The Park University Office of Campus Safety works closely with the Parkville Police Department and the Platte County Sheriff. Park University has direct radio contact with Parkville Police and Platte County in an emergency.

The Park University Office of Campus Safety officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether individuals have lawful business at Park University. Campus Safety officers have the authority to issue parking tickets and citations for moving violations on campus. These fines are billed to the financial accounts of faculty, staff and students. Campus Safety officers also have the authority to sign complaints, which will result in the arrest of persons violating the law on Park University property.

General Procedures for Reporting a Crime or Emergency

Faculty, staff, students and guests are strongly encouraged to report all crimes and emergencies to the Office of Campus Safety. The Office of Campus Safety is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and can be reached at (816) 584-6444. Campus Safety dispatchers will take your call and dispatch an officer, and if necessary, call the police, fire department or EMS agency to assist in your emergency. At the Downtown Campus, please call (816) 421-5398 for emergencies.

If you are on a campus other than the Parkville Campus, please report any crime or emergency to the campus center director or to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Crimes should be reported to the Office of Campus Safety, so that the statistics can be reported to the U.S. Department of Education, in compliance with the Clery Act.

Security Escort Services

Security escort services are available on the Parkville Campus through the Office of Campus Safety. If you want an escort to your car or residence hall after an evening class or activity, call the Campus Safety dispatcher at (816) 584-6444 and request an officer to escort you. At the Downtown Campus, please call (816) 421-5398.

Security Awareness Programs

The Office of Campus Safety in consort with Residence Life staff presents a program for residence hall students at the beginning of each semester. Campus Safety also publishes brochures with a common theme of awareness and crime prevention materials, which encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own security and the security of others.

Crime Prevention Programs

The Office of Campus Safety sponsors a program on women’s safety, presented by the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department. This program is comprised of a lecture and hands-on self defense techniques. Campus Safety officers also give presentations on crime prevention to clubs and organizations, when invited.

Off-Campus Fraternity and Sorority Organizations

Park University does not have any fraternities or sororities.

Policy on Alcoholic Beverages

Park University prohibits the use, sale, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages on campus, in campus facilities or at University-sponsored activities planned for or by students. Under certain circumstances, the consumption of alcohol at events on or off campus is allowed with a waiver issued by the University president.

Possession or use of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 is against the law in Missouri. Persons under the age of 21 caught possessing or using alcohol on campus or at a Park University-sponsored event are subject to arrest and prosecution. In addition, they will be referred to the Office of Student Life for possible disciplinary action. Students over the age of 21 caught possessing or consuming alcohol on campus or at a Park University sponsored event will be referred to the Office of Student Life for possible disciplinary action. The Park University Office of Campus Safety is responsible for enforcing the University Alcohol Policy.

Policy on Illegal Drugs

The manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution of illegal or illicit drugs on any Park University property or at any Park University event is prohibited. Those caught manufacturing, using, possessing or distributing said illegal or illicit drugs are subject to arrest and prosecution. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Life for possible disciplinary action. Faculty and staff will be referred to the Office of Human Resource Services for possible disciplinary action. The Park University Office of Campus Safety is responsible for enforcing the University Drug Policy.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information

Park University has developed a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The program provides services related to drug and alcohol abuse, including dissemination of informational materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and college disciplinary action. Park University provides the following services:

  • Alcohol and Drug Education — Employee Assistance Program; classes during First-Year Seminar for students; Periodic education programs by the Office of Student Life.
  • Counseling Services — Counseling services are available through the University’s Counseling Center, Synergy Services and United Healthcare Insurance Services.
  • Referral Services — Referrals are made to the Counseling Center, Synergy Services and Employee Assistance Programs.
  • University Disciplinary Actions — Students are referred to the Office of Student Life for disciplinary actions. Employees are referred to the Office of Human Resource Services for disciplinary actions.

Additional programs may be available from the military for students and staff located at our campus centers located on military installations. Please refer to your campus center director for assistance in accessing these programs.

Sexual Assault Policy

Park University strongly denounces sexual assault in any form and advocates the immediate reporting of any incident to University authorities. University personnel will assist the student(s) in such notification, if so requested. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent provided by rules, regulations and legislation. Individuals, groups and organizations that desire information or programs that address sexual assaults and how to prevent such incidents should contact the director of campus safety at (816) 584-6444. Staff in the Counseling Center, (816) 584-6237, will also assist in referrals to counseling and mental health agencies for victims. In all cases, the protection of any physical evidence is of utmost importance.

  • The director of the Student Assistance Center will assist student victims of sexrelated crimes with changes in academic schedules and living arrangements on the Parkville Campus, as is reasonable and within Park University’s control. The campus center director will assist students with academic changes at the other campuses.
  • All campus disciplinary procedures involving a student are the responsibility of the director of student life.
  • All sex-related crimes occurring on Park University property shall be investigated jointly by the Park University Office of Campus Safety and the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Within the guidelines of the discipline procedures, the accuser and the accused may have other individuals of their choosing present during the disciplinary hearings. Both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the University’s final determination and any sanctions concerning the alleged incident. Park University, may, upon final determination and confirmation of an alleged infraction (forcible or non-forcible); impose sanctions ranging from counseling to dismissal.

Sexual Offender Registration

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 is a federal law that provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at, or employed by, institutions of higher education. The CSPA is an amendment to the Jacob Weatterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Act. The federal law requires state law enforcement agencies (in Missouri it is the Missouri State Highway Patrol) to provide Park University with a list of registered sex offenders who have indicated that they are either enrolled, employed or carrying on a vocation at Park University.

Park University is required to inform the community that a registration list of sex offenders will be maintained and available at the Park University Office of Campus Safety office located on the first floor of Thompson Commons on the Parkville Campus. For other campuses, a list will be maintained by the campus center director.

In addition, a list of all registered sex offenders for each state that Park University has a campus is available from the following sites:
